Recently I have been thinking a lot about time travel. I have watched a few documentaries on the subject. I don't pretend to be an expert on time travel, but I have a few opinions I would like to share. I really have no idea what I'm talking about.
Time travel is possible. In fact, you're doing it right now. You're traveling through time in your little bubble of existence going forward, always forward. Time travel to the future (in my opinion) is definitely possible. To travel 500 years forward in five seconds isn't bending the nature of time, all it does is speed up the process. But what if you would like to travel into the past. Is it possible? I personally don't think so. In this post, I will explain why.
To make this more understandable, we'll talk about you for a while. Lets say you are living a happy care-free life. Everything is wonderful and you are surrounded by butterflies and sunshine. But one day you make a giant mistake. You leave a casserole in the oven while you are out frolicking in a meadow and your house burns down. This is not a very pleasant turn of events, and you'd really like your house back. So you hop in your time machine, go back in time a couple hours, sneak into your house and turn off the oven before your house goes up in flames. Problem solved.
Except, not really. First of all, did your house burn down or not? This does, at first seem obvious. It didn't, because you went back in time and prevented it. But think again. The reason you went back in time in the first place was to stop your house from burning. Why would you have gone back in time at all if it hadn't burned down in the first place? So does that mean the your house actually did burn down? But if that's the case, your house should technically not be there anymore, but it is, since you went back in time to save it. In this case, there are two versions of reality. One in which your house burned down and one in which it didn't. Both realities are equally true and you have memories of both realities taking place.
But what about the innocent bystanders? What do they remember? Lets say you have an elderly neighbour named Mrs. Marmalade. She lives a peaceful life of knitting in her rocking chair and reminiscing about how wonderful the old days were. Then one day, her peaceful existence is brutally disturbed. She looks out the window to see that her neighbour's house is burning down! She calls the fire department and they rush over right away, but they're to late to save the house. Your house is destroyed. But wait, it doesn't matter. You went back in time and saved the house anyway. So Mrs. Marmalade never called the fire department in the first place. She didn't need too, the house was never on fire. Let's take a peak into Mrs. Marmalade's mind. In her memories, the house never burned down and everything that day passed by completely normally. But in your memory, the house burned down and you went back in time to save it. Your memories and Mrs. Marmalade's memories of the same event are completely different, which is impossible, right? Well, no. Technically, two people witnessing the exact same event might see it in different ways. This happens all the time. Humans do not have perfect memories.
Let me make this situation even more confusing. Lets say that Mrs. Marmalade is actually an evil mastermind disguised as an old lady. She hates you quite a lot (lucky you) and so one day she randomly decides to go back in time and set your house on fire. (You may wonder why she went back in time to cause the fire instead of just doing it in the normal way, but this is because the original version of herself was sitting on the porch knitting at this exact time. Anyone watching would conclude that it was impossible for the old lady to have set the house on fire. She was sitting peacefully on her porch when it happened.) So Mrs. Marmalade goes back in time (unknowingly to the exact day that your house burned down in the first version of time) and sets your house on fire, making it seem as if the fire was caused by you accidentally leaving the casserole on. Then she leaves the scene of the crime and returns to her regular time. You get home to find that your house has burned down, and so you go back in time a few hours and turn your oven off.
Now I will ask you the same question again. Did your house burn down or not?
See what I mean? It makes no sense. It's pretty much impossible to figure out what actually happened.
In this example, I assumed that time is flexible. I assumed that it is possible to go back in time to change things that already took place. But this model is impossible. If you change something in the past, it will have already happened when you go back to the future, meaning that you never needed to go back in time in the first place. But what if it were possible to go back in time, but not possible to change the past. Let's say that you go back in time to save your burning house again. But, for some strange reason, your brilliant plan doesn't work. No matter how hard you try, you cannot save the house. You are somehow prevented at every attempt. When you get back to the future, your house is still gone and nothing has changed at all. This model makes way more sense in my opinion. In this universe, both you and Mrs. Marmalade have the exact same memories of that day. In both your minds, the house burned down and it no longer exists. But there's one slight problem. What exactly was preventing you from changing the past? It's not like the world can just randomly stop you from doing something as simple as turning an oven off. It's not against the laws of physics.
So, even if time were solid and unchangeable, backwards time travel still makes no sense.
And then there is another problem. If time travel is possible, and we invent it in the future, why aren't there any time travelers coming back in time and messing with us right now? Why not go back in time and save the Titanic from sinking? There are a few possible reasons for this.
1. Time travelers have indeed come back in time and messed with us, but we don't know it. We think that the Titanic sank in the original version of time due to a tragic accident, but in reality, some evil mastermind from the future (maybe Mrs. Marmalade) decided to kill a bunch of innocent people for no reason by plopping an iceberg in Titanic's path.
2. Time travelers have come back in time, but they can't actually change anything that already happened.
3. Time travel is impossible.
I don't know which possibility is correct (how could I, unless I am actually an evil mastermind disguised a 14 year old girl). Maybe there is another possibility that I haven't thought of. Maybe the humans of the future have enough problems of their own to deal with and don't have any interest in solving ours. Or maybe the universe is actually going to randomly implode in 56.9 seconds and we humans never do get to that time travel stage. We can't know the future for sure, at least for now, and so I will leave you with a bunch of random thoughts that make no sense and a headache from thinking about unsolvable paradoxes. Have a nice day.
This is a random blog that is mostly about fiction including (but not limited to) Doctor Who, Divergent, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Sherlock, the Mortal Instruments, Percy Jackson, Merlin and The 100

Friday, September 27, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
The Deathly Hallows
A question that I have asked myself for a while is, if I had the choice, which of the Deathly Hallows would I choose? To tell the truth, I would never really want any of them. I have never wanted to have great power, so the Elder wand really doesn't appeal to me. No one very close to me has died (I'm lucky so far) so I don't have any need for the resurrection stone, and I honestly wouldn't be that into the Invisibility Cloak. I mean, sure, it would be fun to play pranks and walk around without anyone able to see me, but I don't know, there are lots of things I'd much rather have. I guess I'd say that I would pick the Cloak (and not because it's the right choice in the story). I would choose the Cloak because, out of all of them, it seems the most interesting to me.
Just for fun, I've created a list of some characters from my five favourite books and made a guess as to which of the Deathly Hallows each would choose. I've included Harry Potter characters whose preference is not mentioned.
Harry Potter:
Ginny: Cloak
Luna: Cloak
Neville: Cloak
Fred and George: Cloak
Snape: Stone
Hagrid: Cloak
Lupin: Cloak
Tonks: Stone
Bellatrix: Wand
Lucius: Wand
Narcissa: Stone
Mrs. Weasley: Cloak
Percy: Wand
Mr. Weasley: Cloak
Sirius: Wand
Viktor: Wand
Cho: Cloak
Pansy: Wand
Mcgonagall: Stone
Lavender: Stone
Cedric: Cloak
Filch: Wand (If he could do magic)
Fudge: Wand
Lockhart: Wand
Moody: Wand
Pettigrew: Wand
Lily: Cloak
James: Cloak
Slughorn: Stone
Umbridge: Wand
Tris: Stone
Rour: Cloak
Caleb: Wand
Jeanine: Wand
Christina: Stone
Eric: Wand
Peter: Wand
Will: Cloak
Tori: Stone
Al: Stone
Andrew: Stone
Natalie: Cloak
The Hunger Games:
Katniss: Stone
Gale: Wand
Peeta: Stone
Prim: Cloak
Snow: Wand
Effie: Cloak
Coin: Wand
Finnick: Stone
Haymitch: Cloak
Cinna: Stone
Rue: Cloak
Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus:
Percy: Cloak
Annabeth: Wand
Grover: Cloak
Tyson: Cloak
Thalia: Stone
Luke: Wand
Nico: Wand
Zoe: Wand
Piper: Cloak
Jason: Wand
Leo: Stone
Frank: Cloak
Hazel: Stone
Reyna: Wand
Octavian: Wand
Drew: Wand
Connor and Travis: Cloak
Clarisse: Wand
Silena: Stone
Rachel: Stone
Chiron: Stone
The Lord of the Rings:
Aragorn: Cloak
Gandalf: Wand
Gimli: Stone
Legolas: Wand
Boromir: Wand
Frodo: Stone
Sam: Cloak
Pippin: Cloak
Merry: Cloak
Faramir: Cloak
Bilbo: Cloak
Denethor: Stone
Theoden: Stone
Eowyn: Stone
Galadriel: Wand
Elrond: Wand
Saruman: Wand
Sauron: Wand
Witch King: Wand
Just for fun, I've created a list of some characters from my five favourite books and made a guess as to which of the Deathly Hallows each would choose. I've included Harry Potter characters whose preference is not mentioned.
Harry Potter:
Ginny: Cloak
Luna: Cloak
Neville: Cloak
Fred and George: Cloak
Snape: Stone
Hagrid: Cloak
Lupin: Cloak
Tonks: Stone
Bellatrix: Wand
Lucius: Wand
Narcissa: Stone
Mrs. Weasley: Cloak
Percy: Wand
Mr. Weasley: Cloak
Sirius: Wand
Viktor: Wand
Cho: Cloak
Pansy: Wand
Mcgonagall: Stone
Lavender: Stone
Cedric: Cloak
Filch: Wand (If he could do magic)
Fudge: Wand
Lockhart: Wand
Moody: Wand
Pettigrew: Wand
Lily: Cloak
James: Cloak
Slughorn: Stone
Umbridge: Wand
Tris: Stone
Rour: Cloak
Caleb: Wand
Jeanine: Wand
Christina: Stone
Eric: Wand
Peter: Wand
Will: Cloak
Tori: Stone
Al: Stone
Andrew: Stone
Natalie: Cloak
The Hunger Games:
Katniss: Stone
Gale: Wand
Peeta: Stone
Prim: Cloak
Snow: Wand
Effie: Cloak
Coin: Wand
Finnick: Stone
Haymitch: Cloak
Cinna: Stone
Rue: Cloak
Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus:
Percy: Cloak
Annabeth: Wand
Grover: Cloak
Tyson: Cloak
Thalia: Stone
Luke: Wand
Nico: Wand
Zoe: Wand
Piper: Cloak
Jason: Wand
Leo: Stone
Frank: Cloak
Hazel: Stone
Reyna: Wand
Octavian: Wand
Drew: Wand
Connor and Travis: Cloak
Clarisse: Wand
Silena: Stone
Rachel: Stone
Chiron: Stone
The Lord of the Rings:
Aragorn: Cloak
Gandalf: Wand
Gimli: Stone
Legolas: Wand
Boromir: Wand
Frodo: Stone
Sam: Cloak
Pippin: Cloak
Merry: Cloak
Faramir: Cloak
Bilbo: Cloak
Denethor: Stone
Theoden: Stone
Eowyn: Stone
Galadriel: Wand
Elrond: Wand
Saruman: Wand
Sauron: Wand
Witch King: Wand
Friday, September 20, 2013
Me as a Harry Potter Character
If the magical world existed, and I could go to Hogwarts, what house would I be in? What wand would choose me? What would I see in the mirror of Erised? I can't know for sure obviously, but here are my guesses:
Patronus: Some kind of cat, I think. Maybe a tiger.
What I would see in the Mirror of Erised: I really have no clue what my deepest and most desperate desire is. There isn't anything that I really, really want (other than House of Hades, of course). Maybe infinite knowledge? Or success? Or to be good at everything I try? I'm really haven't a clue.
What Amortentia would smell like to me: Books. That's an easy one.
Boggart: This is also an easy one. I'm not extremely afraid of many things, but there is one thing that I really, really fear more than anything else. Bees. They terrify me. I can honestly say that I am as afraid of bees as Ron is of spiders. And, for this reason, I would really, really never want to meet a boggart.
House: Ravenclaw. This is pretty obvious to me. I'm not brave at all and I am absolutely nothing like Hufflepuff. I do fit Slytherin slightly, but not very much at all. I am a total Ravenclaw. Knowledge is my thing. I love to read (mostly fiction, but non-fiction too) and I would much rather spend a day at the library than go to a party. And you don't have to be that smart to be a Ravenclaw, do you? I mean, Lockhart was a Ravenclaw, Quirrel was a Ravenclaw!
Wand: My wand on Pottermore is Fir, but I think that Beech might be more likely to choose me. I think I would probably have a unicorn hair core as well. There's really no way to guess how long my wand would be, but I like 11 and 3/4, the length of my wand on Pottermore. As for the flexibility, My wand would probably be in the middle, maybe on the stiffer side.
Quidditch Position: The totally bored person sitting in the stands because her friends made her be there. I'm like Hermione, completely not interested in Quidditch.
Order of the Phoenix or The Death Eaters? Order of the Phoenix, duh.Their name is way cooler
Occupation: Sorry to be boring, but I'd really love to be a Hogwarts teacher. Preferably Transfiguration, but Charms would be cool too.
Patronus: Some kind of cat, I think. Maybe a tiger.
What I would see in the Mirror of Erised: I really have no clue what my deepest and most desperate desire is. There isn't anything that I really, really want (other than House of Hades, of course). Maybe infinite knowledge? Or success? Or to be good at everything I try? I'm really haven't a clue.
What Amortentia would smell like to me: Books. That's an easy one.
Boggart: This is also an easy one. I'm not extremely afraid of many things, but there is one thing that I really, really fear more than anything else. Bees. They terrify me. I can honestly say that I am as afraid of bees as Ron is of spiders. And, for this reason, I would really, really never want to meet a boggart.
House: Ravenclaw. This is pretty obvious to me. I'm not brave at all and I am absolutely nothing like Hufflepuff. I do fit Slytherin slightly, but not very much at all. I am a total Ravenclaw. Knowledge is my thing. I love to read (mostly fiction, but non-fiction too) and I would much rather spend a day at the library than go to a party. And you don't have to be that smart to be a Ravenclaw, do you? I mean, Lockhart was a Ravenclaw, Quirrel was a Ravenclaw!
Wand: My wand on Pottermore is Fir, but I think that Beech might be more likely to choose me. I think I would probably have a unicorn hair core as well. There's really no way to guess how long my wand would be, but I like 11 and 3/4, the length of my wand on Pottermore. As for the flexibility, My wand would probably be in the middle, maybe on the stiffer side.
Quidditch Position: The totally bored person sitting in the stands because her friends made her be there. I'm like Hermione, completely not interested in Quidditch.
Order of the Phoenix or The Death Eaters? Order of the Phoenix, duh.Their name is way cooler
Occupation: Sorry to be boring, but I'd really love to be a Hogwarts teacher. Preferably Transfiguration, but Charms would be cool too.
Comparing my First and Second Myers Briggs/Hogwarts House Theories
On this blog I have made two Myers Briggs and Hogwarts House Connection Theories. In this post I'm going to compare them.
In my first theory, I used the functions (Si, Se, Ni, Ne, Fi, Fe, Ti, Te) to show which two houses best fit one personality type. Here's the chart:
In my second theory I used the simplest building blocks of Myers Briggs (Introversion, extroversion, intuition, sensing, thinking, feeling, judging and perceiving) to create a kind of score card for the correlation between each personality type and the four houses. Here it is:
ENFP: R: 3 S: 0 G: 13 H: 11
INFP: R: 6 S: 3 G: 11 H: 7
ENFJ: R: 6 S: 2 G: 8 H:9
INFJ: R: 9 S: 5 G: 6 H:5
ENTP: R: 7 S: 5 G: 10 H: 6
INTP: R: 10 S: 8 G: 8 H: 2
ENTJ: R: 10 S: 7 G: 5 H: 4
INTJ: R: 13 S: 10 G: 3 H: 0
ESFP: R: 0 S: 3 G: 10 H: 13
ISFP: R: 3 S: 6 G: 8 H: 9
ESTP: R: 4 S: 8 G: 7 H: 8
ISTP: R: 7 S: 11 G: 5 H: 4
ESFJ: R: 3 S: 5 G: 6 H: 11
ISFJ: R: 6 S: 8 G: 3 H: 7
ESTJ: R: 7 S: 10 G: 2 H: 6
ISTJ: R: 10 S: 13 G: 0 H: 2
So, the question is, do my theories agree with each other? I'm going to do this type by type. For each personality I'll say which houses both of my theories agree on, and which ones they don't.
ENTP: My first theory states that Gryffindor and Slytherin fit this type best. My second theory agrees that Gryffindor fits this type well, but Slytherin has the lowest correlation. Ravenclaw scored slightly above Hufflepuff which scored slightly above Slytherin.
INTP: According to my first theory, Gryffindor and Slytherin fit this type best. My second theory, however has Ravenclaw scoring highest. Gryffindor and Slytherin fall into second place and Hufflepuff appears to have a very low correlation. My theories do not agree very well on this type.
ENTJ: My first theory says quite plainly that Ravenclaw fits this type best. My second theory agrees, with Slytherin coming in second place and Hufflepuff with the lowest score.
INTJ: Both my theories strongly agree that INTJ best fits Ravenclaw. Slytherin comes in second in my second theory. This type has the highest score for Ravenclaw of all the sixteen types and also has very low scores for Gryffindor and especially Hufflepuff.
INFP: Hufflepuff and Gryffindor fit this type best according to my first theory. My second theory agrees, putting Gryffindor as the strongest correlation and Hufflepuff in second place. Slytherin does not score very high.
INFJ: My first theory states that Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are the best fits for this type. My second theory agrees, though Ravenclaw is stronger.
ENFJ: My first theory says that Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are the best fits for this type, however, my second theory slightly disagrees. Hufflepuff scores highest with Gryffindor in second place. Slytherin has a low correlation.
ENFP: Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are the strongest for this type according to my first theory. My second theory agree completely, putting Gryffindor a little higher than Hufflepuff. Slytherin scores a perfect zero and Ravenclaw scores pretty low as well. This type has the highest score for Gryffindor of all sixteen types.
ISTP: Slytherin and Hufflepuff get the highest scores in my first theory. My second theory agrees that Slytherin fits this type, but Hufflepuff is put in last place. Ravenclaw scores second highest in my second theory.
ESTP: In my first theory, Hufflepuff and Slytherin have the highest correlation. My second theory agrees, Slytherin and Hufflepuff tie for first place. Gryffindor scores second highest.
ESFP: Both my theories agree that Hufflepuff fits this type best. My second theory puts Gryffindor in second place with Slytherin scoring low and Ravenclaw scoring even lower. This type has the strongest correlation with Hufflepuff of any type according to my second theory.
ISFP: Hufflepuff scores high for this type in both of my theories, but Gryffindor comes in a close second in my second theory. Ravenclaw does not score very high.
ESTJ: According to my first theory, Ravenclaw and Slytherin fit this type best. My second theory agrees, putting Slytherin in first place and Ravenclaw in second. Gryffindor scores very low for this type.
ISTJ: My first theory says that Slytherin and Ravenclaw fit this type best. My second theory agrees completely, putting Slytherin in first place and Ravemclaw in second. Both Hufflepuff and Gryffindor have extremely low scores, but Gryffindor is lower, with zero points. This type has the highest number of points for Slytherin of all sixteen MBTI types.
ESFJ: Gryffindor and Slytherin fit this type best in my first theory. My second theory disagrees, putting Hufflepuff in first place and Gryffindor and Slytherin a little below that. Ravenclaw scores pretty low for this type.
ISFJ: My first theory states that Gryffindor and Slytherin fit this type best. My second theory agrees about Slytherin, but puts Hufflepuff in second place instead of Gryffindor, which actually has the lowest score.
As you can see, my theories are quite different. I don't believe that either of them is very accurate, but I think the my second theory is much better than my first. My type happens to be INTJ and my Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw, so I might be slightly biased about that type. Some of the types (ISFJ for example) have really inaccurate results in both my theories. I believe that Hufflepuff fits this type best (which is first in neither of my theories) and Gryffindor comes in a close second. I don't believe Slytherin fits this type at all, but both of my theories state that it has the highest correlation.
So, obviously neither of my theories work and it was technically pointless to do either of them. But I am an INTJ, and I can't help obsessing about my Scientific interests.
In my first theory, I used the functions (Si, Se, Ni, Ne, Fi, Fe, Ti, Te) to show which two houses best fit one personality type. Here's the chart:
Personality Type | Primary Function | Supportive Function | Primary House | Secondary House |
ENTP | Ne | Ti | Gryffindor | Slytherin |
INTP | Ti | Ne | Slytherin | Gryffindor |
ENTJ | Te | Ni | Ravenclaw | Ravenclaw |
INTJ | Ni | Te | Ravenclaw | Ravenclaw |
INFP | Fi | Ne | Hufflepuff | Gryffindor |
INFJ | Ni | Fe | Ravenclaw | Gryffindor |
ENFJ | Fe | Ni | Gryffindor | Ravenclaw |
ENFP | Ne | Fi | Gryffindor | Hufflepuff |
ISTP | Ti | Se | Slytherin | Hufflepuff |
ESTP | Se | Ti | Hufflepuff | Slytherin |
ESFP | Se | Fi | Hufflepuff | Hufflepuff |
ISFP | Fi | Se | Hufflepuff | Hufflepuff |
ESTJ | Te | Si | Ravenclaw | Slytherin |
ISTJ | Si | Te | Slytherin | Ravenclaw |
ESFJ | Fe | Si | Gryffindor | Slytherin |
ISFJ | Si | Fe | Slytherin | Gryffindor |
In my second theory I used the simplest building blocks of Myers Briggs (Introversion, extroversion, intuition, sensing, thinking, feeling, judging and perceiving) to create a kind of score card for the correlation between each personality type and the four houses. Here it is:
ENFP: R: 3 S: 0 G: 13 H: 11
INFP: R: 6 S: 3 G: 11 H: 7
ENFJ: R: 6 S: 2 G: 8 H:9
INFJ: R: 9 S: 5 G: 6 H:5
ENTP: R: 7 S: 5 G: 10 H: 6
INTP: R: 10 S: 8 G: 8 H: 2
ENTJ: R: 10 S: 7 G: 5 H: 4
INTJ: R: 13 S: 10 G: 3 H: 0
ESFP: R: 0 S: 3 G: 10 H: 13
ISFP: R: 3 S: 6 G: 8 H: 9
ESTP: R: 4 S: 8 G: 7 H: 8
ISTP: R: 7 S: 11 G: 5 H: 4
ESFJ: R: 3 S: 5 G: 6 H: 11
ISFJ: R: 6 S: 8 G: 3 H: 7
ESTJ: R: 7 S: 10 G: 2 H: 6
ISTJ: R: 10 S: 13 G: 0 H: 2
So, the question is, do my theories agree with each other? I'm going to do this type by type. For each personality I'll say which houses both of my theories agree on, and which ones they don't.
ENTP: My first theory states that Gryffindor and Slytherin fit this type best. My second theory agrees that Gryffindor fits this type well, but Slytherin has the lowest correlation. Ravenclaw scored slightly above Hufflepuff which scored slightly above Slytherin.
INTP: According to my first theory, Gryffindor and Slytherin fit this type best. My second theory, however has Ravenclaw scoring highest. Gryffindor and Slytherin fall into second place and Hufflepuff appears to have a very low correlation. My theories do not agree very well on this type.
ENTJ: My first theory says quite plainly that Ravenclaw fits this type best. My second theory agrees, with Slytherin coming in second place and Hufflepuff with the lowest score.
INTJ: Both my theories strongly agree that INTJ best fits Ravenclaw. Slytherin comes in second in my second theory. This type has the highest score for Ravenclaw of all the sixteen types and also has very low scores for Gryffindor and especially Hufflepuff.
INFP: Hufflepuff and Gryffindor fit this type best according to my first theory. My second theory agrees, putting Gryffindor as the strongest correlation and Hufflepuff in second place. Slytherin does not score very high.
INFJ: My first theory states that Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are the best fits for this type. My second theory agrees, though Ravenclaw is stronger.
ENFJ: My first theory says that Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are the best fits for this type, however, my second theory slightly disagrees. Hufflepuff scores highest with Gryffindor in second place. Slytherin has a low correlation.
ENFP: Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are the strongest for this type according to my first theory. My second theory agree completely, putting Gryffindor a little higher than Hufflepuff. Slytherin scores a perfect zero and Ravenclaw scores pretty low as well. This type has the highest score for Gryffindor of all sixteen types.
ISTP: Slytherin and Hufflepuff get the highest scores in my first theory. My second theory agrees that Slytherin fits this type, but Hufflepuff is put in last place. Ravenclaw scores second highest in my second theory.
ESTP: In my first theory, Hufflepuff and Slytherin have the highest correlation. My second theory agrees, Slytherin and Hufflepuff tie for first place. Gryffindor scores second highest.
ESFP: Both my theories agree that Hufflepuff fits this type best. My second theory puts Gryffindor in second place with Slytherin scoring low and Ravenclaw scoring even lower. This type has the strongest correlation with Hufflepuff of any type according to my second theory.
ISFP: Hufflepuff scores high for this type in both of my theories, but Gryffindor comes in a close second in my second theory. Ravenclaw does not score very high.
ESTJ: According to my first theory, Ravenclaw and Slytherin fit this type best. My second theory agrees, putting Slytherin in first place and Ravenclaw in second. Gryffindor scores very low for this type.
ISTJ: My first theory says that Slytherin and Ravenclaw fit this type best. My second theory agrees completely, putting Slytherin in first place and Ravemclaw in second. Both Hufflepuff and Gryffindor have extremely low scores, but Gryffindor is lower, with zero points. This type has the highest number of points for Slytherin of all sixteen MBTI types.
ESFJ: Gryffindor and Slytherin fit this type best in my first theory. My second theory disagrees, putting Hufflepuff in first place and Gryffindor and Slytherin a little below that. Ravenclaw scores pretty low for this type.
ISFJ: My first theory states that Gryffindor and Slytherin fit this type best. My second theory agrees about Slytherin, but puts Hufflepuff in second place instead of Gryffindor, which actually has the lowest score.
As you can see, my theories are quite different. I don't believe that either of them is very accurate, but I think the my second theory is much better than my first. My type happens to be INTJ and my Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw, so I might be slightly biased about that type. Some of the types (ISFJ for example) have really inaccurate results in both my theories. I believe that Hufflepuff fits this type best (which is first in neither of my theories) and Gryffindor comes in a close second. I don't believe Slytherin fits this type at all, but both of my theories state that it has the highest correlation.
So, obviously neither of my theories work and it was technically pointless to do either of them. But I am an INTJ, and I can't help obsessing about my Scientific interests.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Connecting Myers Briggs and the Hogwarts Houses Part Two
I've done a post on the connections between MBTI and the Hogwarts Houses before. I used the functions in that post instead of the temperaments. This time, instead of using those confusing functions, I'm going to make it very simple.
Introversion/Extroversion: Ravenclaws and Slytherins are more likely to be introverted and Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors are more likely to be Extroverted.
Intuition/Sensing: Ravenclaws and Gryffindors are more likely to use intuition while Slytherins and Hufflepuffs are more likely to use Sensing.
Thinking/Feeling: Ravenclaws and Slytherins are more likely to be Thinkers. Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors are more likely to be Feelers.
Judging/Perceiving: Ravenclaws and Slytherins are more likely to Judge and Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs are more likely to Perceive.
I've made a kind of scoring system. For each part of the personality type, I have listed the number of points for each house. The points represent how accurately the type fits that house.
Introversion: R: 2 S:1 G: 0 H: 0
Extroversion: R: 0 S:0 G: 1 H: 2
Intuition: R: 1 S:0 G: 2 H: 0
Sensing: R: 0 S:2 G: 0 H: 1
Thinking: R: 1 S:2 G: 0 H: 0
Feeling: R: 0 S:0 G: 1 H:2
Judging: R: 2 S:1 G: 0 H: 0
Perceiving: R: 0 S:0 G: 2 H:1
If you take a certain personality type (I'll use INTJ as an example since it's mine) you can add up the number of points for each house:
Ravenclaw gets 6 points, Slytherin gets four points, Gryffindor gets two points and Hufflepuff gets zero.
This is actually a very accurate representation of INTJ, in my opinion. We are most like Ravenclaw, then Slytherin, a little like Gryffindor and not at all like Hufflepuff.
What about the other MBTI types? Lets try ENFP:
Ravenclaw gets one point, Slytherin gets zero points, Gryffindor gets six points and Hufflepuff gets five points.
This is also pretty accurate. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff both fit ENFP very well and I can't imagine and ENFP Slytherin.
I'll try one more. ISTP, my brother's type.
Ravenclaw gets three points, Slytherin gets five points, Gryffindor gets two points and Hufflepuff gets two points.
My brother is a Gryffindor on Pottermore (and I think that fits him) so I'm not entirely sure if I agree with my own guess as to what house he would most likely be in. My brother is probably not a Sytherin. So my new system isn't perfect. Then again, no system ever is.
A way to make it more accurate might be to increase the number of possible points given for each house. In the following table, a scale of 1-5 has been used to show how accurately each type represents each house:
Introversion: R: 3 S:3 G: 0 H: 0
Extroversion: R: 0 S:0 G: 2 H:4
Intuition: R: 3 S:0 G: 3 H: 0
Sensing: R: 0 S:3 G: 0 H:2
Thinking: R: 4 S:5 G: 0 H: 0
Feeling: R: 0 S:0 G: 3 H:5
Judging: R: 3 S:2 G: 0 H: 0
Perceiving: R: 0 S:0 G: 5 H:2
For each personality type below I have listed the number of points it earns for each house. The highest possible amount of points is thirteen.
ENFP: R: 3 S: 0 G: 13 H: 11
INFP: R: 6 S: 3 G: 11 H: 7
ENFJ: R: 6 S: 2 G: 8 H:9
INFJ: R: 9 S: 5 G: 6 H:5
ENTP: R: 7 S: 5 G: 10 H: 6
INTP: R: 10 S: 8 G: 8 H: 2
ENTJ: R: 10 S: 7 G: 5 H: 4
INTJ: R: 13 S: 10 G: 3 H: 0
ESFP: R: 0 S: 3 G: 10 H: 13
ISFP: R: 3 S: 6 G: 8 H: 9
ESTP: R: 4 S: 8 G: 7 H: 8
ISTP: R: 7 S: 11 G: 5 H: 4
ESFJ: R: 3 S: 5 G: 6 H: 11
ISFJ: R: 6 S: 8 G: 3 H: 7
ESTJ: R: 7 S: 10 G: 2 H: 6
ISTJ: R: 10 S: 13 G: 0 H: 2
Introversion/Extroversion: Ravenclaws and Slytherins are more likely to be introverted and Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors are more likely to be Extroverted.
Intuition/Sensing: Ravenclaws and Gryffindors are more likely to use intuition while Slytherins and Hufflepuffs are more likely to use Sensing.
Thinking/Feeling: Ravenclaws and Slytherins are more likely to be Thinkers. Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors are more likely to be Feelers.
Judging/Perceiving: Ravenclaws and Slytherins are more likely to Judge and Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs are more likely to Perceive.
I've made a kind of scoring system. For each part of the personality type, I have listed the number of points for each house. The points represent how accurately the type fits that house.
Introversion: R: 2 S:1 G: 0 H: 0
Extroversion: R: 0 S:0 G: 1 H: 2
Intuition: R: 1 S:0 G: 2 H: 0
Sensing: R: 0 S:2 G: 0 H: 1
Thinking: R: 1 S:2 G: 0 H: 0
Feeling: R: 0 S:0 G: 1 H:2
Judging: R: 2 S:1 G: 0 H: 0
Perceiving: R: 0 S:0 G: 2 H:1
If you take a certain personality type (I'll use INTJ as an example since it's mine) you can add up the number of points for each house:
Ravenclaw gets 6 points, Slytherin gets four points, Gryffindor gets two points and Hufflepuff gets zero.
This is actually a very accurate representation of INTJ, in my opinion. We are most like Ravenclaw, then Slytherin, a little like Gryffindor and not at all like Hufflepuff.
What about the other MBTI types? Lets try ENFP:
Ravenclaw gets one point, Slytherin gets zero points, Gryffindor gets six points and Hufflepuff gets five points.
This is also pretty accurate. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff both fit ENFP very well and I can't imagine and ENFP Slytherin.
I'll try one more. ISTP, my brother's type.
Ravenclaw gets three points, Slytherin gets five points, Gryffindor gets two points and Hufflepuff gets two points.
My brother is a Gryffindor on Pottermore (and I think that fits him) so I'm not entirely sure if I agree with my own guess as to what house he would most likely be in. My brother is probably not a Sytherin. So my new system isn't perfect. Then again, no system ever is.
A way to make it more accurate might be to increase the number of possible points given for each house. In the following table, a scale of 1-5 has been used to show how accurately each type represents each house:
Introversion: R: 3 S:3 G: 0 H: 0
Extroversion: R: 0 S:0 G: 2 H:4
Intuition: R: 3 S:0 G: 3 H: 0
Sensing: R: 0 S:3 G: 0 H:2
Thinking: R: 4 S:5 G: 0 H: 0
Feeling: R: 0 S:0 G: 3 H:5
Judging: R: 3 S:2 G: 0 H: 0
Perceiving: R: 0 S:0 G: 5 H:2
For each personality type below I have listed the number of points it earns for each house. The highest possible amount of points is thirteen.
ENFP: R: 3 S: 0 G: 13 H: 11
INFP: R: 6 S: 3 G: 11 H: 7
ENFJ: R: 6 S: 2 G: 8 H:9
INFJ: R: 9 S: 5 G: 6 H:5
ENTP: R: 7 S: 5 G: 10 H: 6
INTP: R: 10 S: 8 G: 8 H: 2
ENTJ: R: 10 S: 7 G: 5 H: 4
INTJ: R: 13 S: 10 G: 3 H: 0
ESFP: R: 0 S: 3 G: 10 H: 13
ISFP: R: 3 S: 6 G: 8 H: 9
ESTP: R: 4 S: 8 G: 7 H: 8
ISTP: R: 7 S: 11 G: 5 H: 4
ESFJ: R: 3 S: 5 G: 6 H: 11
ISFJ: R: 6 S: 8 G: 3 H: 7
ESTJ: R: 7 S: 10 G: 2 H: 6
ISTJ: R: 10 S: 13 G: 0 H: 2
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
The Awesomest Riddle in the World (Okay, Maybe Not)
I have a riddle. Would you like to hear it? Probably not, but I'll write it anyway. This riddle has multiple questions and you have to answer each one correctly before going onto the next. I've written the answers a little ways below. Don't cheat!
Question One: An airplane is flying in the sky. Inside it are 100 bricks. 1 falls out. How many are left?
Question Two: What are the three steps to getting a zebra into the fridge?
Question Three: What are the four steps to getting an elephant into the fridge?
Question Four: There is a party and all the animals are invited. All come except one. Which one is it?
Question Five: An old woman is trying to cross a wide but shallow river. The only problem is that the river is infested with extremely hungry crocodiles. There are no trees around or anything to build a bridge with. How can the old lady get across?
Question Six: The old lady manages to cross the river but when she gets to the other side she dies anyway. Why?
Question One: One
Question Two: 1. Open the door. 2. Put the zebra in. 3. Close the door.
Question Three: 1. Open the door. 2. Take the zebra out. 3. Put the elephant in. 4. Close the door.
Question Four: The elephant. It's still stuck in the fridge.
Question Five: The crocodiles aren't there. They're all at the party.
Question Six: The brick that fell out of the airplane landed on her head.
Question One: An airplane is flying in the sky. Inside it are 100 bricks. 1 falls out. How many are left?
Question Two: What are the three steps to getting a zebra into the fridge?
Question Three: What are the four steps to getting an elephant into the fridge?
Question Four: There is a party and all the animals are invited. All come except one. Which one is it?
Question Five: An old woman is trying to cross a wide but shallow river. The only problem is that the river is infested with extremely hungry crocodiles. There are no trees around or anything to build a bridge with. How can the old lady get across?
Question Six: The old lady manages to cross the river but when she gets to the other side she dies anyway. Why?
Question One: One
Question Two: 1. Open the door. 2. Put the zebra in. 3. Close the door.
Question Three: 1. Open the door. 2. Take the zebra out. 3. Put the elephant in. 4. Close the door.
Question Four: The elephant. It's still stuck in the fridge.
Question Five: The crocodiles aren't there. They're all at the party.
Question Six: The brick that fell out of the airplane landed on her head.
Monday, September 16, 2013
So, I'm on Pottermore. I'm a Ravenclaw (obviously) and my wand is 11 and 3/4 inches, Fir, Unicorn and slightly springy. I've gotten pretty obsessed with "wandlore" today. I just love the way that a wizard or witch's wand can describe their personality.
Witches and wizards with Fir as their wand wood are decisive and unchangeable. That unfortunately does sound quite a bit like me. I can be extremely stubborn. We're also focused, strong minded and occasionally intimidating. That also sounds like me except the intimidating part which I doubt that I am very much. Fir is also well suited to transfiguration which is awesome because it's my favourite subject.It's also the wood that Mcgonagall's wand is made of, though she has a dragon core. I find it interesting that Mcgonagall and I also have the same Myers Briggs type.
If I didn't have Fir, I think I'd probably have Beech. Those with Beech wands are known to be "wise beyond their years" (which I like to think I am), tolerant and definitely not narrow-minded. It's kind of funny because, in some ways, Fir and Beech are opposites.
That's all I have to say on wands (for now anyway).
Witches and wizards with Fir as their wand wood are decisive and unchangeable. That unfortunately does sound quite a bit like me. I can be extremely stubborn. We're also focused, strong minded and occasionally intimidating. That also sounds like me except the intimidating part which I doubt that I am very much. Fir is also well suited to transfiguration which is awesome because it's my favourite subject.It's also the wood that Mcgonagall's wand is made of, though she has a dragon core. I find it interesting that Mcgonagall and I also have the same Myers Briggs type.
If I didn't have Fir, I think I'd probably have Beech. Those with Beech wands are known to be "wise beyond their years" (which I like to think I am), tolerant and definitely not narrow-minded. It's kind of funny because, in some ways, Fir and Beech are opposites.
That's all I have to say on wands (for now anyway).
Sunday, September 8, 2013
My Opinion: The Top 25 Awesomest Book Characters
25. Hazel Levesque from The Heroes of Olympus
24. Sirius Black from Harry Potter
23. Frodo Baggins from The Lord of the Rings
22. Harry Potter from Harry Potter
21. Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit
20. Fred and George Weasley from Harry Potter
19. Minerva Mcgonagall from Harry Potter
18. Rubeus Hagrid from Harry Potter
17. Remus Lupin from Harry Potter
16. Frank Zhang from Heroes of Olympus
15. Aragorn from The Lord of the rings
14. Peregrine "Pippin" Took from The Lord of the Rings
13. Molly Weasley from Harry Potter
12. Suzy Turquoise Blue from Keys to the Kingdom
11. Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter
10. Samwise "Sam" Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings
9. Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson and The Olympians
8. Percy Jackson from Percy Jackson and the Olympians
7. KatnissEverdeen from The Hunger Games
6. Eowyn from The Lord of the Rings
5. Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
4. Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter
3. Severus Snape from Harry Potter
2. Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter
1. Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings
NOTE: This list will change often as I read more books and also as I change my opinions on certain characters kind of randomly. Chances are, this list would look completely different tomorrow. Every few weeks I'll probably have an updated version of this list in a new blog post.
24. Sirius Black from Harry Potter
23. Frodo Baggins from The Lord of the Rings
22. Harry Potter from Harry Potter
21. Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit
20. Fred and George Weasley from Harry Potter
19. Minerva Mcgonagall from Harry Potter
18. Rubeus Hagrid from Harry Potter
17. Remus Lupin from Harry Potter
16. Frank Zhang from Heroes of Olympus
15. Aragorn from The Lord of the rings
14. Peregrine "Pippin" Took from The Lord of the Rings
13. Molly Weasley from Harry Potter
12. Suzy Turquoise Blue from Keys to the Kingdom
11. Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter
10. Samwise "Sam" Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings
9. Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson and The Olympians
8. Percy Jackson from Percy Jackson and the Olympians
7. KatnissEverdeen from The Hunger Games
6. Eowyn from The Lord of the Rings
5. Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
4. Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter
3. Severus Snape from Harry Potter
2. Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter
1. Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings
NOTE: This list will change often as I read more books and also as I change my opinions on certain characters kind of randomly. Chances are, this list would look completely different tomorrow. Every few weeks I'll probably have an updated version of this list in a new blog post.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
MBTI and Me
I am an INTJ in Myers Briggs. I score about 90% on Introversion, 60% on Intuition, 40% on Thinking and 60% on judging. The INTJ description fits me pretty well. I am quite logical, I do kind of hate being around most people, and I like to argue. But I didn't always fit the INTJ description.
Four or five years ago, when I was ten, I took the Myers Briggs test for the first time.Yes, I do know that when you're a kid, your personality result isn't necessarily accurate, but still, isn't it weird that the answer I got the very first time I took the test was ESFP? I got the exact opposite result of what I actually am. Okay, it's true that the book I took the test in didn't have very accurate questions, but still, my result was the exact opposite of what I am! I took the test a few years later (maybe when I was twelve) and I got INFP as my result. I was very happy with this because the description of INFP said that they made good writers and I have wanted to be a writer since I was eight. Then, about six months ago, I took the Myers Briggs test for a third time (this time with one of those online tests, not that inaccurate test from the book) and I got INTJ. This really surprised me at the time. I had never thought of myself as much of an introvert and certainly not as a thinker, but after a while (and after taking about 200 billion different online tests and getting the same result) I realized that it was true. I am an INTJ.
Many people would be surprised to hear that I am an introvert.I have never been very shy, and I don't tend to care very much at all about what other people think of me. I just act like myself and if someone has a problem with me, I really don't care. I have been described as "Outgoing" by a fair number of people, and I don't think anyone would describe me as sensitive.
So why am I an introvert then? Well, her are the three main reasons:
1. I spend about 90% of my free time reading in my room, alone. This is not generally an extrovert's favourite activity.
2. I have very few friends. There have been times in my life when I have had no friends at all.
3. I don't actually like people. I don't like being around other people in general. They're usually annoying and I'm usually awkward and I honestly would much rather be reading than socializing.
The one other type that I've thought I might possibly be is INFJ. Sometimes I feel like the description of INTJs as "unsympathetic"or "Afraid to show emotions" really doesn't fit me. I do show my emotions. Just maybe not as much as some other people. Also, I'm still pretty much a kid. I like to think of myself as mature, but I'm still only fourteen.I could be totally wrong about my personality.
Anyway, that was me rambling on about Myers Briggs again. It's funny how I can talk for ever about a subject that interests me, but as soon as you mention something boring (like, lets say, fashion) I'll completely tune you out and think about something entirely different. I suppose that's an INTJ thing.
Four or five years ago, when I was ten, I took the Myers Briggs test for the first time.Yes, I do know that when you're a kid, your personality result isn't necessarily accurate, but still, isn't it weird that the answer I got the very first time I took the test was ESFP? I got the exact opposite result of what I actually am. Okay, it's true that the book I took the test in didn't have very accurate questions, but still, my result was the exact opposite of what I am! I took the test a few years later (maybe when I was twelve) and I got INFP as my result. I was very happy with this because the description of INFP said that they made good writers and I have wanted to be a writer since I was eight. Then, about six months ago, I took the Myers Briggs test for a third time (this time with one of those online tests, not that inaccurate test from the book) and I got INTJ. This really surprised me at the time. I had never thought of myself as much of an introvert and certainly not as a thinker, but after a while (and after taking about 200 billion different online tests and getting the same result) I realized that it was true. I am an INTJ.
Many people would be surprised to hear that I am an introvert.I have never been very shy, and I don't tend to care very much at all about what other people think of me. I just act like myself and if someone has a problem with me, I really don't care. I have been described as "Outgoing" by a fair number of people, and I don't think anyone would describe me as sensitive.
So why am I an introvert then? Well, her are the three main reasons:
1. I spend about 90% of my free time reading in my room, alone. This is not generally an extrovert's favourite activity.
2. I have very few friends. There have been times in my life when I have had no friends at all.
3. I don't actually like people. I don't like being around other people in general. They're usually annoying and I'm usually awkward and I honestly would much rather be reading than socializing.
The one other type that I've thought I might possibly be is INFJ. Sometimes I feel like the description of INTJs as "unsympathetic"or "Afraid to show emotions" really doesn't fit me. I do show my emotions. Just maybe not as much as some other people. Also, I'm still pretty much a kid. I like to think of myself as mature, but I'm still only fourteen.I could be totally wrong about my personality.
Anyway, that was me rambling on about Myers Briggs again. It's funny how I can talk for ever about a subject that interests me, but as soon as you mention something boring (like, lets say, fashion) I'll completely tune you out and think about something entirely different. I suppose that's an INTJ thing.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Connecting Myers Briggs and the Hogwarts Houses
Here is a link to someone's idea of the connection between Myers Briggs and the Hogwarts Houses:
I like this approach quite a lot, actually, but I don't think this table isn't exactly accurate. While I like how they use the functions instead of the temperaments (which doesn't work at all, I've tried it) I think that it would be more accurate with different houses representing the functions. The way they organized it, each house is represented by two functions, however the placement of the houses is uneven. In my opinion, to make it truly accurate, each house must be represented by both an N or S function and a T or F function.
Here is the original from the link shown above with my thoughts added.
Extraverted Intuition (Ne): Imaginative and innovative, they search for new ideas, people, and possibilities. Gryffindor. (I agree.)
Introverted Intuition (Ni): They examine patterns, symbols, and meanings to solve complex puzzles. Ravenclaw. (I agree with this one too.)
Extraverted Sensing (Se): They spontaneously seize the moment, following anything that draws their interest. Gryffindor. (Maybe... Or Hufflepuff. Or maybe even Slytherin.)
Introverted Sensing (Si): They rely on a strong memory, drawing information from past experiences and traditions. Slytherin. (Definitely)
Extraverted Thinking (Te): They sort, organize, and make decisions. They speak their mind. Slytherin. (Or Ravenclaw.)
Introverted Thinking (Ti): They operate from pure logic, sorting theories and solving problems. Ravenclaw. (Or Slytherin)
Extraverted Feeling (Fe): They nurture relationships, promote collaboration, and validate others. Hufflepuff. (Or maybe Gryffindor.)
Introverted Feeling (Fi): They rely on their values and empathy to create inner and outer harmony. Hufflepuff. (Still could be Gryffindor.)
So, I would say that in my opinion
Hufflepuff: Se and Fi
Gryffindor: Ne and Fe
Slytherin: Si and Ti
Ravenclaw: Ni and Te
Here it is. My take on the connections between Myers Briggs and The Hogwarts Houses: (You'll notice that each personality type has two houses to represent it, except for ENTJ and INTJ which are purely Ravenclaw and ESFP and ISFP which are purely Hufflepuff.
According to this chart, I am a Ravenclaw, which is true. My brother (who is an ISTP) is a Slytherin or a Hufflepuff. I'm not sure yet whether this fits or not. My parents are either Hufflepuffs or Gryfindors, which makes sense.
Now, I don't claim that this chart is entirely accurate. In fact, I'm actually quite sure it isn't. In my opinion, Myers Briggs and Hogwarts Houses are two completely different typing systems and it is impossible to truly connect them.
I like this approach quite a lot, actually, but I don't think this table isn't exactly accurate. While I like how they use the functions instead of the temperaments (which doesn't work at all, I've tried it) I think that it would be more accurate with different houses representing the functions. The way they organized it, each house is represented by two functions, however the placement of the houses is uneven. In my opinion, to make it truly accurate, each house must be represented by both an N or S function and a T or F function.
Here is the original from the link shown above with my thoughts added.
Extraverted Intuition (Ne): Imaginative and innovative, they search for new ideas, people, and possibilities. Gryffindor. (I agree.)
Introverted Intuition (Ni): They examine patterns, symbols, and meanings to solve complex puzzles. Ravenclaw. (I agree with this one too.)
Extraverted Sensing (Se): They spontaneously seize the moment, following anything that draws their interest. Gryffindor. (Maybe... Or Hufflepuff. Or maybe even Slytherin.)
Introverted Sensing (Si): They rely on a strong memory, drawing information from past experiences and traditions. Slytherin. (Definitely)
Extraverted Thinking (Te): They sort, organize, and make decisions. They speak their mind. Slytherin. (Or Ravenclaw.)
Introverted Thinking (Ti): They operate from pure logic, sorting theories and solving problems. Ravenclaw. (Or Slytherin)
Extraverted Feeling (Fe): They nurture relationships, promote collaboration, and validate others. Hufflepuff. (Or maybe Gryffindor.)
Introverted Feeling (Fi): They rely on their values and empathy to create inner and outer harmony. Hufflepuff. (Still could be Gryffindor.)
So, I would say that in my opinion
Hufflepuff: Se and Fi
Gryffindor: Ne and Fe
Slytherin: Si and Ti
Ravenclaw: Ni and Te
Here it is. My take on the connections between Myers Briggs and The Hogwarts Houses: (You'll notice that each personality type has two houses to represent it, except for ENTJ and INTJ which are purely Ravenclaw and ESFP and ISFP which are purely Hufflepuff.
Personality Type | Primary Function | Supportive Function | Primary House | Secondary House |
ENTP | Ne | Ti | Gryffindor | Slytherin |
INTP | Ti | Ne | Slytherin | Gryffindor |
ENTJ | Te | Ni | Ravenclaw | Ravenclaw |
INTJ | Ni | Te | Ravenclaw | Ravenclaw |
INFP | Fi | Ne | Hufflepuff | Gryffindor |
INFJ | Ni | Fe | Ravenclaw | Gryffindor |
ENFJ | Fe | Ni | Gryffindor | Ravenclaw |
ENFP | Ne | Fi | Gryffindor | Hufflepuff |
ISTP | Ti | Se | Slytherin | Hufflepuff |
ESTP | Se | Ti | Hufflepuff | Slytherin |
ESFP | Se | Fi | Hufflepuff | Hufflepuff |
ISFP | Fi | Se | Hufflepuff | Hufflepuff |
ESTJ | Te | Si | Ravenclaw | Slytherin |
ISTJ | Si | Te | Slytherin | Ravenclaw |
ESFJ | Fe | Si | Gryffindor | Slytherin |
ISFJ | Si | Fe | Slytherin | Gryffindor |
According to this chart, I am a Ravenclaw, which is true. My brother (who is an ISTP) is a Slytherin or a Hufflepuff. I'm not sure yet whether this fits or not. My parents are either Hufflepuffs or Gryfindors, which makes sense.
Now, I don't claim that this chart is entirely accurate. In fact, I'm actually quite sure it isn't. In my opinion, Myers Briggs and Hogwarts Houses are two completely different typing systems and it is impossible to truly connect them.
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality typing system that I find very useful. There are sixteen different personality types and every person (or book character) will fit into one of these types.
If you want to find out what type you are, there are many Myers Briggs Tests online. Here is the link to one of my favourites:
So, in Myers Briggs theory, your personality type is determined by these four things:
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Do you use sensing or intuition?
Are you a feeler or a thinker?
Do you judge or do you perceive?
For an explanation of introversion and extraversion go here:
For an explanation of sensing and intuition go here:
For an explanation of thinking and feeling go here:
For an explanation of judging and perceiving go here:
Each of these eight types have a letter to represent them. You're either an I or an E, and S or an N (They used up I for introversion), a T or an F and a J or a P.
So that makes sixteen personality types:
I am an INTJ. my brother is an ISTP. My parents are INFP and ENFP. Albert Einstein was an INTP.
For a detailed analysis of each of the types, please click on this link: (the link goes to an INTJ profile but if you look on the right hand side of the page you'll notice that it contains links to all the other personality types)
And here is another link to more information on each of the personality types:
Are you bored of Myers Briggs yet? I hope not. Because Myers Briggs is a whole lot more complex than just the sixteen personality types.
First of all, there are the four temperaments. Many people like to divide the Myers Briggs types into four groups. The SJs, the SPs, the NTs and the NFs.
The SJs (ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, ISFJ) are sometimes called The Guardians.
The SPs (ESTP, ISTP, ESFP, ISFP) are sometimes called The Artisans.
The NTs (ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, INTP) are sometimes called The Rationals.
The NFs (ENFJ, INFJ, ENFP, INFP) are sometimes called The Idealists.
That means that my brother is an Artisan, my parents are Idealists and Einstein and I both happen to be Rationals. Coincidence? I think not.
Here is a link to information on the four temperaments:
Are you confused yet? Well it gets even more complicated. Turns out there is another interesting part of Myers Briggs known as functions. It turns out that there are eight different functions. They are:
Se: Extroverted Sensing
Si: Introverted Sensing
Ne: Extroverted Intuition
Ni: Introverted Intuition
Fe: Extroverted Feeling
Fi: Introverted Feeling
Te: Extroverted Thinking
Ti: Introverted Thinking
Here is a link to information on the functions:
Each personality type has four functions, which means that each person in the world uses four of the above functions. We each have a Dominant Function, an Auxiliary Function, a Tertiary Function and an Inferior Function.
Here is a link that explains the Dominant, Auxiliary, Tertiary and Inferior Functions:
And here is a second one:
So, anyway, my Dominant Function is Introverted Intuition, my Auxiliary is Extroverted Thinking, my Tertiary is Introverted Feeling and my Inferior is Extroverted Sensing. Albert Einstein's Functions are (in order) Introverted Thinking, Extroverted Intuition, Introverted Sensing and Extroverted Feeling.
That was a very long explanation of Myers Briggs, but I'll be posting a lot more about it later. I'm going to connect Myers Briggs to the Hogwarts Houses and I'm also going to personality type all the book characters from my favourite series.
Hopefully you don't get too bored.
If you want to find out what type you are, there are many Myers Briggs Tests online. Here is the link to one of my favourites:
So, in Myers Briggs theory, your personality type is determined by these four things:
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Do you use sensing or intuition?
Are you a feeler or a thinker?
Do you judge or do you perceive?
For an explanation of introversion and extraversion go here:
For an explanation of sensing and intuition go here:
For an explanation of thinking and feeling go here:
For an explanation of judging and perceiving go here:
Each of these eight types have a letter to represent them. You're either an I or an E, and S or an N (They used up I for introversion), a T or an F and a J or a P.
So that makes sixteen personality types:
I am an INTJ. my brother is an ISTP. My parents are INFP and ENFP. Albert Einstein was an INTP.
For a detailed analysis of each of the types, please click on this link: (the link goes to an INTJ profile but if you look on the right hand side of the page you'll notice that it contains links to all the other personality types)
And here is another link to more information on each of the personality types:
Are you bored of Myers Briggs yet? I hope not. Because Myers Briggs is a whole lot more complex than just the sixteen personality types.
First of all, there are the four temperaments. Many people like to divide the Myers Briggs types into four groups. The SJs, the SPs, the NTs and the NFs.
The SJs (ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, ISFJ) are sometimes called The Guardians.
The SPs (ESTP, ISTP, ESFP, ISFP) are sometimes called The Artisans.
The NTs (ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, INTP) are sometimes called The Rationals.
The NFs (ENFJ, INFJ, ENFP, INFP) are sometimes called The Idealists.
That means that my brother is an Artisan, my parents are Idealists and Einstein and I both happen to be Rationals. Coincidence? I think not.
Here is a link to information on the four temperaments:
Are you confused yet? Well it gets even more complicated. Turns out there is another interesting part of Myers Briggs known as functions. It turns out that there are eight different functions. They are:
Se: Extroverted Sensing
Si: Introverted Sensing
Ne: Extroverted Intuition
Ni: Introverted Intuition
Fe: Extroverted Feeling
Fi: Introverted Feeling
Te: Extroverted Thinking
Ti: Introverted Thinking
Here is a link to information on the functions:
Each personality type has four functions, which means that each person in the world uses four of the above functions. We each have a Dominant Function, an Auxiliary Function, a Tertiary Function and an Inferior Function.
Here is a link that explains the Dominant, Auxiliary, Tertiary and Inferior Functions:
And here is a second one:
So, anyway, my Dominant Function is Introverted Intuition, my Auxiliary is Extroverted Thinking, my Tertiary is Introverted Feeling and my Inferior is Extroverted Sensing. Albert Einstein's Functions are (in order) Introverted Thinking, Extroverted Intuition, Introverted Sensing and Extroverted Feeling.
That was a very long explanation of Myers Briggs, but I'll be posting a lot more about it later. I'm going to connect Myers Briggs to the Hogwarts Houses and I'm also going to personality type all the book characters from my favourite series.
Hopefully you don't get too bored.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Divergent Factions and Hogwarts Houses: The Similarities and Differences
In the world of Divergent, there are five different factions. Dauntless the brave, Erudite the intelligent, Amity the peaceful, Candor the honest and Abnegation the selfless. At Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry (I've just started my fourth year there by the way), there are four houses. Gryffindor for the brave and chivalrous, Ravenclaw for the wise, Slytherin for the cunning and Hufflepuff for the loyal and hardworking. There are many similarities between these two systems of sorting that are immediately apparent, and I am going to list them here.
But before I begin, I'd like to say that though it may seem as if all Dauntless are Gryffindors and all Ravenclaws are Erudite, the faction and house systems are much too complex to simply say "all people in this house are in that faction". For instance, both Erudite and Ravenclaw value intelligence, but where as Erudite is obsessed with being knowledgeable and collecting facts, Ravenclaw is more concerned with being clever and creative. Many people who are in Erudite are actually Slytherin, not Ravenclaw and many people who are Ravenclaw are Candor or even Amity.
Similarly, not all Gryffindors are Dauntless. While Gryffindors are known to be loyal and true to their friends, Dauntless is more about doing dangerous and impressive things just for the fun of it. For this reason, I believe that many Dauntless are actually Slytherin and many Gryffindors are actually Abnegation.
So, as you can see, connecting the Hogwarts Houses and the Divergent Factions is actually much more complicated than it seems at first.
Here is a list of what I believe to be the similarities between the houses and the factions:
If you are Dauntless, you will most likely be a Gryffindor or Slytherin.
If you are Erudite you will probably be in Slytherin or Ravenclaw.
People who are Amity will usually be Hufflepuff.
Those in Abnegation will most likely be a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff.
If you are Candor you could be in any house but Slytherin.
Gryffindors will usually be Dauntless or Abnegation, though some will be in Candor. It's pretty rare to have an Amity or Erudite Gryffindor, but not unheard of.
Ravenclaws will almost always be Erudite though many will be Candor. It is also entirely possible to be a Dauntless, Abnegation or Amity Ravenclaw too.
Hufflepuffs will be evenly spread throughout Amity, Abnegation and Candor. It would be pretty rare to be a Dauntless or Erudite Hufflepuff, but it is possible.
Those in Slytherin will almost always be either Dauntless or Erudite. I honestly can't imagine a Candor Slytherin. It's even harder to imagine one in Amity or Abnegation.
But before I begin, I'd like to say that though it may seem as if all Dauntless are Gryffindors and all Ravenclaws are Erudite, the faction and house systems are much too complex to simply say "all people in this house are in that faction". For instance, both Erudite and Ravenclaw value intelligence, but where as Erudite is obsessed with being knowledgeable and collecting facts, Ravenclaw is more concerned with being clever and creative. Many people who are in Erudite are actually Slytherin, not Ravenclaw and many people who are Ravenclaw are Candor or even Amity.
Similarly, not all Gryffindors are Dauntless. While Gryffindors are known to be loyal and true to their friends, Dauntless is more about doing dangerous and impressive things just for the fun of it. For this reason, I believe that many Dauntless are actually Slytherin and many Gryffindors are actually Abnegation.
So, as you can see, connecting the Hogwarts Houses and the Divergent Factions is actually much more complicated than it seems at first.
Here is a list of what I believe to be the similarities between the houses and the factions:
If you are Dauntless, you will most likely be a Gryffindor or Slytherin.
If you are Erudite you will probably be in Slytherin or Ravenclaw.
People who are Amity will usually be Hufflepuff.
Those in Abnegation will most likely be a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff.
If you are Candor you could be in any house but Slytherin.
Gryffindors will usually be Dauntless or Abnegation, though some will be in Candor. It's pretty rare to have an Amity or Erudite Gryffindor, but not unheard of.
Ravenclaws will almost always be Erudite though many will be Candor. It is also entirely possible to be a Dauntless, Abnegation or Amity Ravenclaw too.
Hufflepuffs will be evenly spread throughout Amity, Abnegation and Candor. It would be pretty rare to be a Dauntless or Erudite Hufflepuff, but it is possible.
Those in Slytherin will almost always be either Dauntless or Erudite. I honestly can't imagine a Candor Slytherin. It's even harder to imagine one in Amity or Abnegation.
So Here is my First Post!
Hello. Welcome to my blog about awesome stuff (mostly books). I'm not entirely sure what I will be posting on here. Hopefully things that are even slightly interesting. If you want to know a bit about me, visit the "About Me" page. Well, now I believe I am done saying obvious things.
May the odds be ever in your favour.
May the odds be ever in your favour.
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