Friday, September 20, 2013

Comparing my First and Second Myers Briggs/Hogwarts House Theories

On this blog I have made two Myers Briggs and Hogwarts House Connection Theories. In this post I'm going to compare them.

In my first theory, I used the functions (Si, Se, Ni, Ne, Fi, Fe, Ti, Te) to show which two houses best fit one personality type. Here's the chart:

Personality TypePrimary FunctionSupportive FunctionPrimary HouseSecondary House





In my second theory I used the simplest building blocks of Myers Briggs (Introversion, extroversion, intuition, sensing, thinking, feeling, judging and perceiving) to create a kind of score card for the correlation between each personality type and the four houses. Here it is:

ENFP: R: 3 S: 0 G: 13 H: 11
INFP: R: 6 S: 3 G: 11 H: 7
ENFJ: R: 6 S: 2 G: 8 H:9
INFJ: R: 9 S: 5 G: 6 H:5
ENTP: R: 7 S: 5 G: 10 H: 6
INTP: R: 10 S: 8 G: 8 H: 2
ENTJ: R: 10 S: 7 G: 5 H: 4
INTJ: R: 13 S: 10 G: 3 H: 0
ESFP: R: 0 S: 3 G: 10 H: 13
ISFP: R: 3 S: 6 G: 8 H: 9
ESTP: R: 4 S: 8 G: 7 H: 8
ISTP: R: 7 S: 11 G: 5 H: 4
ESFJ: R: 3 S: 5 G: 6 H: 11
ISFJ: R: 6 S: 8 G: 3 H: 7
ESTJ: R: 7 S: 10 G: 2 H: 6
ISTJ: R: 10 S: 13 G: 0 H: 2

So, the question is, do my theories agree with each other? I'm going to do this type by type. For each personality I'll say which houses both of my theories agree on, and which ones they don't.

ENTP: My first theory states that Gryffindor and Slytherin fit this type best. My second theory agrees that Gryffindor fits this type well, but Slytherin has the lowest correlation. Ravenclaw scored slightly above Hufflepuff which scored slightly above Slytherin.

INTP: According to my first theory, Gryffindor and Slytherin fit this type best. My second theory, however has Ravenclaw scoring highest. Gryffindor and Slytherin fall into second place and Hufflepuff appears to have a very low correlation. My theories do not agree very well on this type.

ENTJ: My first theory says quite plainly that Ravenclaw fits this type best. My second theory agrees, with Slytherin coming in second place and Hufflepuff with the lowest score.

INTJ: Both my theories strongly agree that INTJ best fits Ravenclaw. Slytherin comes in second in my second theory. This type has the highest score for Ravenclaw of all the sixteen types and also has very low scores for Gryffindor and especially Hufflepuff.

INFP: Hufflepuff and Gryffindor fit this type best according to my first theory. My second theory agrees, putting Gryffindor as the strongest correlation and Hufflepuff in second place. Slytherin does not score very high.

INFJ: My first theory states that Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are the best fits for this type. My second theory agrees, though Ravenclaw is stronger.

ENFJ: My first theory says that Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are the best fits for this type, however, my second theory slightly disagrees. Hufflepuff scores highest with Gryffindor in second place. Slytherin has a low correlation.

ENFP: Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are the strongest for this type according to my first theory. My second theory agree completely, putting Gryffindor a little higher than Hufflepuff. Slytherin scores a perfect zero and Ravenclaw scores pretty low as well. This type has the highest score for Gryffindor of all sixteen types.

ISTP: Slytherin and Hufflepuff get the highest scores in my first theory. My second theory agrees that Slytherin fits this type, but Hufflepuff is put in last place. Ravenclaw scores second highest in my second theory.

ESTP: In my first theory, Hufflepuff and Slytherin have the highest correlation. My second theory agrees, Slytherin and Hufflepuff tie for first place. Gryffindor scores second highest.

ESFP: Both my theories agree that Hufflepuff fits this type best. My second theory puts Gryffindor in second place with Slytherin scoring low and Ravenclaw scoring even lower. This type has the strongest correlation with Hufflepuff of any type according to my second theory.

ISFP: Hufflepuff scores high for this type in both of my theories, but Gryffindor comes in a close second in my second theory. Ravenclaw does not score very high.

ESTJ: According to my first theory, Ravenclaw and Slytherin fit this type best. My second theory agrees, putting Slytherin in first place and Ravenclaw in second. Gryffindor scores very low for this type.

ISTJ: My first theory says that Slytherin and Ravenclaw fit this type best. My second theory agrees completely, putting Slytherin in first place and Ravemclaw in second. Both Hufflepuff and Gryffindor have extremely low scores, but Gryffindor is lower, with zero points. This type has the highest number of points for Slytherin of all sixteen MBTI types.

ESFJ: Gryffindor and Slytherin fit this type best in my first theory. My second theory disagrees, putting Hufflepuff in first place and Gryffindor and Slytherin a little below that. Ravenclaw scores pretty low for this type.

ISFJ: My first theory states that Gryffindor and Slytherin fit this type best. My second theory agrees about Slytherin, but puts Hufflepuff in second place instead of Gryffindor, which actually has the lowest score.

As you can see, my theories are quite different. I don't believe that either of them is very accurate, but I think the my second theory is much better than my first. My type happens to be INTJ and my Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw, so I might be slightly biased about that type. Some of the types (ISFJ for example) have really inaccurate results in both my theories. I believe that Hufflepuff fits this type best (which is first in neither of my theories) and Gryffindor comes in a close second. I don't believe Slytherin fits this type at all, but both of my theories state that it has the highest correlation.
So, obviously neither of my theories work and it was technically pointless to do either of them. But I am an INTJ, and I can't help obsessing about my Scientific interests.


  1. Yo. Hope this isn't creepy what with this being about a year old. >> You seem to still be active though, so yay.

    Anyway. I'm an INTP and happened to be thinking about MBTI relating to Hogwarts Houses today, and when I googled it to see what other people had come up with I found this. My model was similar to your original one, but I did classify a lot of the functions very differently. I had the same primary and secondary system though! Yay.

    So the functions I assigned to the houses were:
    Fi, Se: Gryffindor
    Fe, Si: Hufflepuff
    Ne, Ti: Ravenclaw
    Ni, Te: Slytherin

    Gryffindor is about taking action to do what's right. I definitely think that's Fi and Se.
    Hufflepuffs are hardworking and loyal, which is just Fe and Si to a T.
    Ravenclaws are curious and love learning, which I think is very Ne. Ti is kinda just there because it seemed like the best place for it.
    Slytherin isn't really somewhere people want to get put, because they're the evil ones in the books, but really they're just about ambition. Ni and Te seem like they would be good for planning and actualising those ambitions.

    Incidentally, have you read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality? Aside from being a brilliant piece of fiction that taught me a lot, I think it does a really good job of giving the houses solid characterisation. I think it's the most widely reviewed Harry Potter fanfiction online.

    Oh and also, I initially did the primary-secondary thing according to which function was dominant, but because my ENTP friend thinks Ne is really what characterises Ravenclaw, I changed it so that the extroverted function would correspond to the primary house. I think it kind of makes sense, because then an INFP would be in Ravenclaw, and an ISTP in Griffindor. Ooh and an INFJ in Hufflepuff.

    Thanks if you read all that. Let me know what you think of my version.

    1. Hi, thanks so much for commenting, I really love hearing people's opinions. I have never read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. I don't read fanfiction very much at all, but I might check it out.

      I did write this a while ago and I have actually been wanting to take another look at it for a while. I like your idea better than my original one because you managed to solve a problem that I had. That is that both functions representing Gryffindor were extroverted and both functions representing Slytherin were introverted. I wanted to have each type represented by a thinking or feeling function and a judging or perceiving function, one extroverted, one introverted, but I couldn't figure out a way to do this.

      So for Gryffindor, I said Ne and Fe, you said Fi and Se. I agree now that Fi is better for Gryffindor than Fe. Fe should definitely be reserved for Hufflepuff, I don't know what I was thinking. I remember I had difficulty deciding whether Gryffindor should be Ne or Se. The thing is, they both kind seem to fit.

      For Ravenclaw I said Ni and Te, you said Ne and Ti. This is kind of funny, since Ni and Te are my strongest functions and Ne and Ti are yours. Was I slightly biased when I wrote this since I'm a Ravenclaw? Definitely. If I look at it totally honestly, both actually fit quite well.

      For Hufflepuff I said Se and Fi, you said Si and Fe. I definitely agree now that Fe fits Hufflepuff better than Fi and it would follow that Si would make more sense than Se, since we want one extroverted function and one introverted function. I still think Se fits better but whatever.

      For Slytherin I said Si and Ti, you said Ni and Te. As with Gryffindor, I had a lot of trouble deciding whether Si or Ni best fit Slytherin. I chose Si because Slytherins rely so much on their own way of seeing things, but I can totally understand why Ni makes sense too. Obviously it's necessary to use Te rather than Ti (since we want one introverted, one extroverted... never mind, you know what I'm talking about). I think both fit for Slytherin in their own way.


      Gryffindor: Fi and either Se or Ne.

      Ravenclaw:Ni and Te or Ne and Ti

      Hufflepuff: Si and Fe

      Slytherin: Te and either Ni or Si

      By the power of logic:

      Gryffindor: Se and Fi

      Ravenclaw: Ne and Ti

      Hufflepuff: Si and Fe

      Slytherin: Ni and Te

      So I got (drumroll).......... exactly what you said. To sum everything up, I technically agree with you. Technically. I still don't think it fits entirely, but it's pretty much impossible to completely connect Myers Briggs and the Hogwarts houses.

      About what your friend said: I disagree. If anything, the introverted function might make more sense. The reason I say this is because in the books it seems as if you are sorted based on what traits you find most important rather than what traits are the strongest in you. Hermione and Dumbledore are my primary examples of this. It seems like they both should be in Ravenclaw but they aren't. I think that can be explained by the fact that they both value bravery over intelligence. Harry is another example. The hat said he would be good in Slytherin, but he ended up in Gryffindor because he valued bravery over cunning. The extroverted function seems to indicate how you act and the introverted function how you think (or what you value, I guess). I think it makes most sense to use the dominant function, whether it be extroverted or introverted.

  2. Yes, I agree with your theories. It's just like we can only get so close to find the overall pattern.
    This is much better than some stupid generalizations circulating around the web

    I always ignored this following:
    Guardians: Hufflepuff
    Artisans: Gryffindor
    Idealists: Slytherin
    Rationals: Ravenclaw

    Whenever I see this kind of generalization, I ignore it because it is not methodical at all.
    , but yours, I really can trust :)

  3. This is really cool. As an INTP, I constantly question whether I'm 'truly' a Ravenclaw, Slytherin, or Gryffindor--it's too bad there's no real sorting hat. Pottermore thought I was a Slytherin when I first took it, but at the time I was depressed and grouchy and hated Harry Potter (trying to get over it by playing PM totally worked). As a kid, I was a giant nerd and always assumed Ravenclaw, but I also hate to follow the crowd, and Ravenclaw seemed like the house 'everyone' would have I viewed the obvious 'Claw answers during the quiz with deep skepticism. So: am I a Ravenclaw because I thought it was the best house, or a Slytherin because I refused to follow the mainstream? Or a Ravenclaw for both reasons? Or a Slytherin because OM originally said so? (Nowadays it usually says Claw, but sometimes Slyth or Gryff.) Or a Gryffindor because I *am* mainstream despite not wanting to be? So many questions... ;p

    All I really know is that I'm not a Hufflepuff. And that was obvious from the beginning.

  4. Also, I agree with the later analysis of the cognitive functions. To me, Si and Fe feel *very* Puff, while Ne could be either Claw or Gryff, Ti/Te Slyth or Claw (although McGonagall has a lot of Te), Ni Claw or Puff, Se Gryff or Slyth, and Fi Puff, Claw, or Gryff.

    What about trying it this way: the introverted/extraverted judging and perceiving?

    Fi/Ti: Claw (individualistic creativity and off-the-wall conceptualizing)
    Te/Fe: Slyth (cold, determined logic and rigid social markers)
    Ne/Se: Gryff (expansive possibilty-exploration and in-the-moment impulsiveness/'showing' off)
    Ni/Si: Puff (a quiet sense of internal harmony and attachment to historic values and the inner body)

  5. You seem to have a pretty strong opinion of ENFPs not belonging in Slytherin at all... but I'm an ENFP Slytherin (believe me, I'm pretty certain of both my MBTI type and my House). I also have a friend who's an ENFP Slytherin... What's you take on this? I pretty much consider you my Internet expert on MBTI, so I'd really value your opinion!
