Tuesday, September 3, 2013


The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality typing system that I find very useful. There are sixteen different personality types and every person (or book character) will fit into one of these types.
If you want to find out what type you are, there are many Myers Briggs Tests online. Here is the link to one of my favourites:


So, in Myers Briggs theory, your personality type is determined by these four things:

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Do you use sensing or intuition?
Are you a feeler or a thinker?
Do you judge or do you perceive?

For an explanation of introversion and extraversion go here:

For an explanation of sensing and intuition go here:

For an explanation of thinking and feeling go here:

For an explanation of judging and perceiving go here:

Each of these eight types have a letter to represent them. You're either an I or an E, and S or an N (They used up I for introversion), a T or an F and a J or a P.
So that makes sixteen personality types:
I am an INTJ. my brother is an ISTP. My parents are INFP and ENFP. Albert Einstein was an INTP.

For a detailed analysis of each of the types, please click on this link: (the link goes to an INTJ profile but if you look on the right hand side of the page you'll notice that it contains links to all the other personality types)

And here is another link to more information on each of the personality types:

Are you bored of Myers Briggs yet? I hope not. Because Myers Briggs is a whole lot more complex than just the sixteen personality types.

First of all, there are the four temperaments. Many people like to divide the Myers Briggs types into four groups. The SJs, the SPs, the NTs and the NFs.
The SJs (ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, ISFJ) are sometimes called The Guardians.
The SPs (ESTP, ISTP, ESFP, ISFP) are sometimes called The Artisans.
The NTs (ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, INTP) are sometimes called The Rationals.
The NFs (ENFJ, INFJ, ENFP, INFP) are sometimes called The Idealists.
That means that my brother is an Artisan, my parents are Idealists and Einstein and I both happen to be Rationals. Coincidence? I think not.

Here is a link to information on the four temperaments:

Are you confused yet? Well it gets even more complicated. Turns out there is another interesting part of Myers Briggs known as functions. It turns out that there are eight different functions. They are:
Se: Extroverted Sensing
Si: Introverted Sensing
Ne: Extroverted Intuition
Ni: Introverted Intuition
Fe: Extroverted Feeling
Fi: Introverted Feeling
Te: Extroverted Thinking
Ti: Introverted Thinking

Here is a link to information on the functions:

Each personality type has four functions, which means that each person in the world uses four of the above functions. We each have a Dominant Function, an Auxiliary Function, a Tertiary Function and an Inferior Function.

Here is a link that explains the Dominant, Auxiliary, Tertiary and Inferior Functions:

And here is a second one:

So, anyway, my Dominant Function is Introverted Intuition, my Auxiliary is Extroverted Thinking, my Tertiary is Introverted Feeling and my Inferior is Extroverted Sensing. Albert Einstein's Functions are (in order) Introverted Thinking, Extroverted Intuition, Introverted Sensing and Extroverted Feeling.

That was a very long explanation of Myers Briggs, but I'll be posting a lot more about it later. I'm going to connect Myers Briggs to the Hogwarts Houses and I'm also going to personality type all the book characters from my favourite series.
Hopefully you don't get too bored.

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