Friday, February 21, 2014

A Post Where all I do is Confuse You

My blog looks slightly different and weird because I changed the fonts and stuff. I also added a search box which I find awesome. Um, you probably don't care. My brother, who loves computers, was helping me with it and he thinks I shouldn't have the background as black, but I like black. It's one of my four favourite colours. If you care, my other three favourite colours are silver, purple and blue.

My least favourite colours are red, green and pink. Some people find it weird that I have favourite and least favourite colours since I'm colourblind. But, the thing is, I don''t really care about how colours look. Since I can't see them, that doesn't really matter anyway. My favourite colours are my favourite colours either because I like the name, or I like something associated with that colour. Or both.

Speaking of colours, why do Canada and USA spell it differently. It's so confusing. Same with "favourite" and "neighbour" and some other words. I never know which way to spell them. I always spell colour and favourite the Canadian way, but I spell "favor" the American way. I have no idea why. Sometimes I just avoid using those words because I don't know how I'm supposed to spell them.

I used to be good at spelling. Now I pretty much rely on spellcheck to save my life. I just don't feel it's worth the time to try to be perfect at spelling. I'll figure it all out eventually.

This post wasn't really worth your time, was it? To make up for that, here is a picture of a kitten:

Speaking of kittens, my family is thinking of getting one or possibly two. They've agreed that we can name them after fictional characters which is super awesome. Right now we're thinking Sherlock for a boy and Luna for a girl.

Sherlock and Luna would be an... interesting ship. Um, I think I'm going to leave now. Good bye.


  1. I've read all your blogs they're amazing. Btw you should read Perfect Ruin I think you would like it.
