Monday, July 28, 2014

Two Trailers

This post is about the new Mockingjay Part 1 Teaser Trailer and the first Hobbit Battle of Five Armies Trailer.

So, The Mockingjay trailer first. It was great. I loved the trailers that came before this one (the ones with President Snow), but it was nice to see a regular trailer. I love Katniss' line at the end. I am really excited for this movie, even though Mockingjay was my least favourite of The Hunger Games books. The movies have been getting better so far (in my opinion). We'll see if the trend continues. The reason that the Mockingjay book wasn't my favourite was because it was a bit to slow and a bit to fast at different times. It just seemed a bit off. That's something that can be easily fixed in a movie.

And now I'll talk about the Hobbit trailer. It is one of my favourite trailers of all time if not my absolute favourite. I watched it five times in a row without stopping and have watched it at least five times more since then. I'm really bad at doing trailer analyzing things, so I'll leave that to other people who are much smarter and have better vision. I loved that they used Pippin's song. That was one of my favourite parts of The Lord of the Rings. I am so, so excited to see the last movie in this trilogy. I know it will be my favourite movie of this year (not that I'm really seeing that many). But it is so awesome I can't even really function.

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