Sunday, September 14, 2014

Doctor Who Series 8: Listen

 SPOILERS!!!!! Read at your own risk.

Everyone expected this episode to be one of the scary ones, but it turned out not to be, really. I am at the same time disappointed and glad about that. Some of the best scary episodes have been my favourites (Midnight, Blink, Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone). This one ended up being more of a "timey wimey" episode than a terrifying one. It's very Moffat, and I know some people don't like that but I love it.

I love the glimpse of the Doctor's childhood. And Clara is just becoming more and more important in the Doctor's life. Now it seems like she may have made him what he is. One question: How did Clara get to Gallifrey? Isn't it supposed to be timelocked or something?

I also really like the idea of the episode, a creature that hides. Even if, in the end, the creature never existed, it's a cool idea. And, about that. So, basically there are two possibilities. One, there was never any creature and all the strange things were just created by the characters imagination, or two, there really is some hidden creature that follows us all the time. I like the idea of the former better, but it seemed more like the latter. The reason I say this is because of the thing underneath the blankets. That couldn't have been a child playing a prank. That just doesn't make sense. How would a child have left the room suddenly like that in a flash of light? How would they have gotten into the room in the first place?

One of my favourite things about this episode was Danny and Orson Pink. Danny is rapidly becomming one of my favourite Doctor Who characters.

In conlusion, Listen has become by new favourite episode of series 8. I'm not sure if any of the next few episodes will be able to top it, but we'll see. Twelve is currently my second favourite Doctor (after Ten), Clara is now my favourite companion and series 8 might become my favourite series yet. I'm very happy.

The next episode is called Time Heist. The Doctor and Clara apparently attempt to rob the most secure bank in the universe. Sounds fun. I'm excited to meet the new villain.

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