Thursday, July 31, 2014

Book to Movie Adaptations

Recently I have watched three book to movie adaptations. My general rule for movie made from books is that the book is always better than the movie. So far I have not found an exception to this rule. The three adaptations I watched most recently are City of Bones, Eragon and Vampire Academy.

City of Bones was okay. I've heard many people say that it was terrible, but I honestly think it could have been a lot worse.

Eragon was quite bad. At first it seemed like it might be okay but then... it fell so far. I was pretty much shouting at it throughout the entire second half. Seriously. They could have made it so much better.

Vampire Academy was a pretty good adaptation. Though the book is honestly not one of my favourites, I think it was pretty well adapted, even though the plot was changed a bit.

Here's a list of some adaptations I've seen and a rating out of five for how well I think it was adapted. (NOTE: The rating has nothing to do with how much I liked the movie. It indicates how well I think the movie was adapted from the book.)

The Fellowship of the Ring: 5
The Two Towers: 5
The Return of the King: 5
An Unexpected Journey: 5
The Desolation of Smaug: 5
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: 4
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: 4
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: 3
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: 2
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: 4
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: 3
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1: 4
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2: 3
The City of Ember: 2
The Lightning Thief:: 1
The Sea of Monsters: 1
The Hunger Games:5
Catching Fire: 5
The Book Thief: 5
Divergent: 5
The Perks of Being a Wallflower: 5
City of Bones: 3
Vampire Academy: 4
Eragon: 1
Ender's Game: 3
Hugo: 5
The Fault in Our Stars: 5
The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy: 3

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Shadow and Bone and Pottermore

I am reading a trilogy called Shadow and Bone. It has magic and stuff and it's pretty good. I've read the first two books so far. While I do like them, I feel like they're too short (I have that problem with books a lot). Annoyingly, my favourite character is the villain. I hate it when that happens because then I can be sure they will die.

On a completely unrelated note, Pottermore has just been updated! (At least for Ravenclaws, I'm not sure if the other houses can see it yet). This new update finished The Goblet of Fire and has some of my favourite moments so far including The Maze, Merpeople and the Golden Thread.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Two Trailers

This post is about the new Mockingjay Part 1 Teaser Trailer and the first Hobbit Battle of Five Armies Trailer.

So, The Mockingjay trailer first. It was great. I loved the trailers that came before this one (the ones with President Snow), but it was nice to see a regular trailer. I love Katniss' line at the end. I am really excited for this movie, even though Mockingjay was my least favourite of The Hunger Games books. The movies have been getting better so far (in my opinion). We'll see if the trend continues. The reason that the Mockingjay book wasn't my favourite was because it was a bit to slow and a bit to fast at different times. It just seemed a bit off. That's something that can be easily fixed in a movie.

And now I'll talk about the Hobbit trailer. It is one of my favourite trailers of all time if not my absolute favourite. I watched it five times in a row without stopping and have watched it at least five times more since then. I'm really bad at doing trailer analyzing things, so I'll leave that to other people who are much smarter and have better vision. I loved that they used Pippin's song. That was one of my favourite parts of The Lord of the Rings. I am so, so excited to see the last movie in this trilogy. I know it will be my favourite movie of this year (not that I'm really seeing that many). But it is so awesome I can't even really function.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Characters That Everyone Hates for no Reason

I love my fandoms, but one thing that will forever annoy me is when many people in a fandom hate a certain character for no reason (or for some stupid reason)  Here's a list of some of these characters, why they are hated by the fandom and why I think that they don't deserve all the hate they get. These are just a few examples. There are tons more. I wanted to include Gale on this list, but since I haven't read the Hunger Games for a long time I can't really write about him.

  • Martha Jones (Doctor Who): 
Why do people hate Martha? She's smart, kind and brave. What's not to like?

From what I've seen, people hate her because she had a crush on the Doctor. SERIOUSLY??? The only reason this bothers people is because the Doctor didn't like her back. Everyone loves Rose even though she too liked the Doctor. Both women liked the Doctor, but only one is hated for it because her crush wasn't returned. And, okay, I can understand disliking a character if they continue to like someone else even when it's obvious that their feelings aren't returned (cough, Severus Snape), but Martha didn't do that. When she realized the Doctor would never like her, she was okay with that. She moved on.

Another reason people dislike Martha Jones is because she wasn't really anything special. Most of the other companions did something amazing or spectacular that proved they were beyond ordinary. This reason to hate Martha is even stupider than the first. If you hate a character because they aren't perfect or extrodinary, then I don't want to talk to you. And, anyway, this argument is just plain wrong. If anything, Martha is one of the most amazing companions. She was a doctor. She saved the world. She's badass.

So shut up.

  • Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter):
Ginny is not one of my all time favourite character, but I still get very angry when people say they hate her.

One reason some people seem to dislike her is that she wasn't in the movies. This reason is totally stupid. Ignore the movies. Pay attention to book Ginny.

Another reason people might hate her is because she had a crush on Harry Potter. This is the same as for Martha Jones. I've noticed that people tend to hate girl characters who fall in love with boys who aren't interested in them, but they never hate boys who fall in love with girls who aren't interested in them. Ginny had every right to have a crush on Harry. So did half the girls in London. What matters about Ginny is that she brave and loyal and fierce and hilarious and she's really nice to Luna Lovegood.

  • Ron Weasley (Harry Potter)
If I met Ron in real life I would be friends with him. That said, it really annoys me when people hate Ron..

The main reason people seem to hate him is because they ship Hermione with someone else. Dramione shippers particularly seem to hate him. Some people seem to think he doesn't deserve Hermione. But something they seem to be forgetting is that Hermione loves Ron. And is Ron doesn't deserve Hermione, than Draco definitely doesn't. I've seen some Dramione shippers say that Ron isn't intelligent enough for Hermione. This is stupid mainly for three reasons: 1. Ron IS intelligent. 2. Draco is not more intelligent than Ron. 3. Intelligence is not the only factor determining whether two people will fall in love.

Some people hate Ron because he's a bit silly. Or because he gets into arguments with both Harry and Hermione a lot. There is nothing wrong with liking to joke around. Sometimes Ron goes a bit far and hurts people's feelings, but many other characters do that and they are not hated as Ron is. And even the best of friends argue sometimes. Harry, Ron and Hermione's friendship is so strong. Despite everything they've had to go through, they remain friends.

Ron is brave, funny, intelligent, and loyal. If you think Ron is a bad person, get out.

  • Piper McLean (Percy Jackson)
Some people automatically hate Piper because she is a daughter of Aphrodite. If this is the case, then I think they are interpreting the Heroes of Olympus series wrong. One of the main lessons in the series is that we are not defined by who we are related to.

I've heard some people say that they don't like Piper because she is too obsessed with Jason. Some people have this problem with Annabeth too. Again, people only dislike this in girls. Leo obsessing over random girls who he's not even dating? That's fine. Piper thinking about the boy she likes and wondering if he likes her back? Nope. It's totally normal for Piper to think about Jason a lot. He's her boy friend and her best friend. She might think about Jason more than some other characters think of their boyfriends, but there's nothing wrong with that. She is not obsessed with him. Seriously.

Some people say they dislike Piper because she's weak or useless. Neither of those things are true. How can people say Piper is weak. SHE KILLED A FREAKING GODESS. SHE BROUGHT JASON BACK FROM THE DEAD. And she is NOT useless. She may not be the most powerful of the seven demigods. But that is no reason to hate her. And, anyway, not every character has to be extremely badass. People are starting to think that if a character doesn't fight really well and isn't stereotypically boyish then she is weak and the book is sexist. A strong female character means a well written character, not necessarily a stereotypically boyish character.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Doctor Who: Best Episodes of Each Actor

This post is kind of random. I'm going to list all the main characters in Doctor Who and the three episodes that I think are their best episodes. So, as an example, I liked Rose Tyler in the episode Dalek. I think that this episode shows the most of her personality. While it might not be my favourite episode that Rose Tyler is in, I think it is the episode that most defines her.

Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston):
  1. Bad Wolf/ The Parting of the Ways
  2. Father's Day
  3. Boom Town
Rose Tyler (Billie Piper):
  1. Dalek
  2. Bad Wolf/ The Parting of the Ways
  3. Army of Ghosts/ Doomsday
Tenth Doctor (David Tennant):
  1. The End of Time
  2. The Doctor's Daughter
  3. Utopia/ The Sound of Drums/ Last of the Time :Lords
Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman):
  1. Utopia/ The Sound of Drums/ Last of the Tim Lords
  2. Smith and Jones
  3. Human Nature/ The Family of Blood
Donna Noble (Catherine Tate):
  1. Turn Left
  2. Partners in Crime
  3. Planet of the Ood
River Song (Alex Kingston):
  1. The Time of Angels/ Flesh and Stone
  2. Let's Kill Hitler
  3. Silence in the Library/ Forest of the Dead
Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith):
  1. The Eleventh Hour
  2. The Doctor's Wife
  3. Nightmare in Silver
Amy Pond (Karen Gillan):
  1. The Girl Who Waited
  2. The Angels Take Manhattan
  3. Amy's Choice
Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill):
  1. The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang
  2. The Girl Who Waited
  3. A Good Man Goes to War
Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman):
  1. The Rings of Akhaten
  2. The Day of the Doctor
  3. The Name of the Doctor

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Ten Things I Want to See in Doctor Who Series Eight

  1. The thing I am hoping for most in series 8 is that Clara and the Doctor don't have a romantic relationship. I'm a little tired of that, honestly. Plus, I really like their friendship.
  2. New companions! Or at least one. I like it when their are multiple companions at the same time, and I want some new well developed characters.
  3. I really want The Master to come back. He is by far my favourite Doctor Who villain. I love John Simm, but I wouldn't mind a new actor either. And what about a female master???
  4. Sequel episode for The Girl in the Fireplace. Please? Not everything in that episode was explained and it's one of my favourites.
  5. A Matt Smith appearance. It's not likely to happen in series 8, but maybe in another anniversary special?
  6. Some new and interesting time lord characters (and also time ladies).
  7. More of the War Doctor. He should have more than one episode.
  8. River Song. I really, really want River to come back.
  9. At least one really scary episode. There haven't really been any recently, with the exception of The Angels Take Manhattan.
  10. More gay/lesbian relationships.
Watch this video to find out more about the episodes in series 8. Actually, just check out all the Doctor Who videos on that channel.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


I have recently started watching a new TV show called Merlin. I'm almost finished with the second season. It's about Merlin (obviously) and Arthur Pendragon and all the characters are really awesome and I'm kind of obsessed. I have been watching at least one episode every day.

Here is my current list of fandoms:
  • The Lord of the Rings
  • Harry Potter
  • Percy Jackson
  • Sherlock
  • The Mortal Instruments
  • The Hunger Games
  • Divergent
  • Merlin
  • Doctor Who
  • The Inheritance Cycle (does this have a fandom?)
  • Ender's Game (not sure this has a fandom)
  • The Fault in Our Stars
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower (this is a fandom, right?)
  • Vampire Academy
And here are some books I'm obsessed with that don't have fandoms:
  • Keys to the Kingdom
  • The Raven Cycle
  • The Lunar Chronicles
  • Legend
  • The Book Thief
  • Graceling 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

My Thoughts: Animagi and Patronuses

Something I noticed in the Harry Potter books (and I'm sure pretty much everyone else noticed it too) is that the idea of a patronus and the idea of an animagus seem very similar. This post covers some of my ideas about the patronus charm and a person's animagus form and the similarities and differences between the two. Some of this is just guessing.

A patronus is the glowing animal that is created when a person casts the patronus charm. It is different for every person. Each wizard has their own unique patronus and it can change if something emotional happens in their life. For instance, Nymphadora Tonks' patronus changed to the form of Remus Lupin's patronus when she fell in love with him. Another example is that after his twin brother Fred died, George Weasley was unable to cast a patronus.

A patronus is made of a person's happy memories. That is perhaps why most dark wizards can not cast one; they do not have any happy memories. Severus Snape was able to cast a patronus because he loved Lily Potter. Dolores Umbridge was perhaps able to cast a patronus because she did not believe herself to be evil and had good memories. Casting a corporeal patronus requires great magical skill. It supposedly takes less skill to cast a non-corporeal patronus. However, while I think skill and having happy memories obviously plays a role in whether someone is able to cast a patronus or not, there are other factors that determine whether someone can cast a patronus. Perhaps confidence plays a role. Harry was able to cast a patronus in Prisoner of Azcaban because he knew he could. It also might have something to do with how well a person can concentrate on a specific happy memory. Perhaps a non-corporeal patronus indicates that a wizard is not concentrating enough.

Something that confuses me is that Hermione Granger had quite a bit of trouble casting a patronus. This is odd, since she is a very skilled witch and obviously has many happy memories. Perhaps it was because she did not have enough confidence in her abilities. Or maybe it was difficult for her to focus on one specific happy memory.

An animagus is a wizard who can turn into an animal at will (though they do not get to decide which animal they turn into). In their animagus form, a person is still them self. It is, however, unclear whether or not the nature of their particular animal has any affect on their personality. It is difficult to become an animagus and takes great magical skill. Even so, I believe that theoretically, if he or she tried hard enough, any wizard or witch could become an animagus (unlike in the case of a patronus which not every one can conjure). The form an animagus takes is possibly an animal that represents that person's soul.

It is never stated that a persons animagus form can change. I suppose that would depend on whether or not a person's soul can change. My guess is that, if it is possible, the change wouldn't happen as easily as with a patronus.

The obvious difference between a person in their animagus form and a person casting the patronus charm is that the person in animagus form is the animal and the animal created by the patronus charm is made up of a person's happy memories and not the person himself. Therefore, it is my belief that a persons animagus form and a person's patronus can be but are not necessarily the same. In all the instances where we know what form the patronus of an animagus takes, the patronus and animagus have been the same.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Next Generation at Hogwarts

This post includes what I think the children of the Harry Potter characters were like and what happened to them at Hogwarts. Sorry if some things clash with canon. The ages are mostly made up.

James Potter: (Gryffindor) son of Harry Potter and Ginny Potter, age 12 in the epilogue
James is a lot like his namesake. He is very extroverted and enjoys playing pranks on people (especially his younger brother). He becomes friends with his cousin Fred Weasley and a boy named Tristan Ogden.The three boys call themselves The New Marauders. It is their mission to live up to the legacy of the Marauders and Fred and George. James falls in love with a girl called Violet Jacobson. They start dating in fifth year. James loves Quidditch. His dream is to be Gryffindor seeker like his father, but Violet gets the position instead. James becomes a Chaser in his fourth year.

Albus Potter (Gryffindor) son of Harry Potter and Ginny Potter, age 11 in the epilogue
Albus is quiet and kind and has very low self-esteem. He worries about his grades and that he isn't good enough for Hogwarts. He is uncomfortable with the popularity he automatically gets as Harry Potter's son. He becomes friends with a Gryffindor girl in his year. Her name is Helen Ogden. They remain friends throughout all their time at Hogwarts and start dating in seventh year. Albus is also good friends with his cousin Rose Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy, Gemma Bones and Emily Ling. Albus loves Quidditch, but he doesn't try out for the Gryffindor team because he doesn't believe he is good enough. Albus is a prefect.

Lily Potter (Gryffindor) daughter of Harry Potter and Ginny Potter, age 9 in the epilogue
Lily is a lot like her mother. She's fierce and determined to become a great witch. She does, however, find it hard to get along with people. She gets into a fight within the first week of school. Lily gets in trouble more than anyone else in her year. She is best friends with her cousin Hugo Weasley. In third year she becomes friends with Roxanne Weasley and Hermia Watson. Lily plays Quidditch and plays both Chaser and Seeker at different points during her time at Hogwarts. Lily comes out as bisexual in her fourth year and starts dating Hermia in sixth year.

Rose Weasley (Ravenclaw) daughter of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, age 11 in the epilogue
Rose is intelligent like her mother, but unlike her mother, she doesn't do especially well in school. Rose finds school rather pointless and dull and she doesn't try very hard. She is exceptionally talented at Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Her best friends are Emily Ling, Gemma Bones and Scorpius Malfoy. Rose is also very good at Quidditch. She is Chaser for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team from second to seventh year. Rose thinks she is asexual and aromantic until she falls in love with Gemma Bones. They start dating in seventh year.

Hugo Weasley (Gryffindor) son of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, age 9 in the epilogue
Hugo is the exact opposite of his best friend Lily. Quiet and shy, he doesn't think he belongs in Gryffindor, but the sorting hat insists. His favourite hobby is astronomy and it is his best Hogwarts subject. Hugo becomes friends with Roxanne Weasley and Hermia Watson in his third year. He has a crush on Hermia.

Fred Weasley (Gryffindor) son of George Weasley and Angelina Weasley, age 12  in the epilogue
Fred is witty and intelligent. He loves Defense Against the Dark Arts and hexing older students who bully first years. He has a strong sense of right and wrong and he always seems to end up wherever there is trouble. He becomes friends with James Potter and Tristan Ogden. Fred plays Beater on the Gryffindor Quidditch team in his fifth and seventh years. Fred is asexual.

Roxanne Weasley (Slytherin) daughter of George Weasley and Angelina Weasley, age 10 in the epilogue
The sorting hat gives Roxanne the choice between Gryffindor and Slytherin.Roxanne decides that instead of being a Gryffindor like almost all of her family, she will be a Slytherin. Roxanne prides herself in being the best at Defense Against the Dark Arts in her year. She learns to cast a patronus in her third year. Roxanne's best friend is Hermia Watson. She becomes friends with Lily Potter and Hugo Weasley later on. Roxanne falls in love with Alyssa King, a popular Slytherin girl who has never noticed her. They start dating after school. Roxanne plays Seeker on the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Molly Weasley (Slytherin) daughter of Percy Weasley and Audrey Weasley, age 13 in the epilogue
Molly is kind and helpful. Everyone is very surprised when she is sorted into Slytherin. Molly is fiercely protective of her friends Dominique Weasley, Louis Weasley, Lorcan Scamander and Lysander Scamander and her little sister Lucy. Molly is bisexual. she dates many people at Hogwarts but stays with Lysander the longest. Molly occasionally plays Keeper on the Slytherin Quidditch team. She becomes a prefect and a head girl.

Lucy Weasley (Hufflepuff) daughter of Percy Weasley and Audrey Weasley, age 10 in the epilogue
Lucy is very shy. She doesn't want to go to Hogwarts, but her older sister Molly reasures her that she will be fine. Lucy doesn't have friends at Hogwarts. She follows her sister whenever she can and Molly's group of friends love her. She falls in love with Tristan Ogden and they start dating in Lucy's fifth year.

Victoire Weasley (Gryffindor) daughter of Bill Weasley and Fleur Weasley, age 17 in the epilogue
Victoire is very confidant and out going. She loves talking to people and going to parties. Her favourite hobbies are singing and writing songs. She has many friends but her best friend is a boy called Matt Avery, a Slytherin in her year. She starts going out with Teddy Lupin when she is in third year and he is in fourth. She, Matt and Teddy are inseparable. Victoire plays Quidditch and at different points in her time at Hogwarts she plays Keeper, Seeker and Chaser. She becomes a prefect and a head girl.

Dominique Weasley (Slytherin) daughter of Bill Weasley and Fleur Weasley, age 14 in the epilogue
Dominique is a lot like her mother. She loves fashion and wants to be an actress. She enjoys dating boys and girls and then dumping them after a few weeks. She is extremely popular and many don't like her, but she has four very close friends who she is extraordinary loyal too. They are her cousin Molly Weasley, her brother Louis Weasley and the twins Lorcan and Lysander Scamander. Dominique plays Keeper for Slytherin during her fifth, sixth and seventh years.

Louis Weasley (Ravenclaw) son of Bill Weasley and Fleur Weasley, age 13 in the epilogue
Louis is perhaps the exact opposite of  his older sister Dominique. He is quiet and nerdy and he loves reading fiction. He shares his grandfather's obsession with muggles. Louis is best friends with Lorcan and Lysander Scamander, his cousin Molly Weasley and his sister Dominique. He and Lorcan fall in love and start dating in sixth year. Louis becomes a prefect.

Lorcan Scamander (Ravenclaw) son of Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamander, age 14 in the epilogue
Lorcan is extroverted and outgoing. He loves staying up late and partying. Despite that fact that he never seems to get any work done, he somehow gets perfect grades. His best friends are his twin brother Lysander, Louis Weasley, Dominique Weasley and Molly Weasley. Lorcan has a crush on Dominique but they never date. He starts dating Louis Weasley in sixth year. He is a Chaser in the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.

Lysander Scamander (Ravenclaw) son of Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamande, age 14 in the epilogue
Lysander is the quieter of the twins. He is charming but a little odd. He reminds everyone a bit of his mother. His best friends are his twin brother Lorcan, Molly Weasley, Louis Weasley and Dominique Weasley. Lysander and Molly date for a while but it doesn't last. The remain good friends even after they break up. He is a Chaser on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. He becomes a prefect.

Scorpius Malfoy (Ravenclaw) son of Draco Malfoy and Astoria Malfoy, age 11 in the epilogue
Scorpius is sweet and quiet. He is extremely nervous to start school and thinks that everyone will hate him because his grandparents and father were death eaters. To his great surprise, the sorting hat tells him he does not belong in Slytherin like his father, but in Ravenclaw like his mother. Scorpius'best friends are Rose Weasley and Emily Ling. He is also friends with Gemma Bones, Albus Potter and Helen Ogden. Sxorpius starts dating Emily Ling in third year. He is afraid to tell his parents that he has fallen in love with a Muggle-born. Scorpius is a prefect and the head boy.

Teddy Lupin (Gryffindor) son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Lupin, age 19 in the epilogue
Teddy has a wild and crazy sense of humor. He has many friends in all the houses. His best friend and girl friend starting in his fifth year is Victoire Weasley. The two are never seen apart (except when they have to go to classes). He is also good friends with Matt Avery. Teddy plays Beater briefly on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Tristan Ogden (Gryffindor), age 12 in the epilogue
Tristan is smart and kind. He is probably the most sensible of The New Mauraders, the group he and his best friends James Potter and Fred Weasley create. Tristan starts dating Lucy Weasley in his fourth year. Tristan is a prefect.

Violet Jacobson (Gryffindor), age 12 in the epilogue
Violet Jacobson is very popular at Hogwarts. She had many friends in all the houses and of all different ages. She starts dating James Potter in fifth year. Violet is the Seeker for Gryffindor. She is a prefect and the head girl.

Helen Ogden (Gryffindor), age 11 in the epilogue
Helen is boyish and extroverted. Her best friend is Albus Potter. She is also friends with Rose Weasley, Gemma Bones and Emily Ling as well as many other people. Helen plays Beater on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. She is a prefect.

Gemma Bones (Hufflepuff), age 11 in the epilogue
Gemma is extremely talkative. Many people find her annoying, but she doesn't seem to notice. She is excited about everything and constantly happy. Her best friends are Rose Weasley, Albus Potter, Helen Ogden, Emily Ling and Scorpius Malfoy. Gemma has a major crush on Albus in her early years at school. She starts dating Rose in seventh year.

Emily Ling (Ravenclaw), age 11 in the epilogue
Emily is introverted and creative. She loves to draw. Her best friends are Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy. She is also friends with Gemma Bones, Albus Potter and Helen Ogden. She starts dating Scorpius Malfoy in third year. Emily is a prefect.

Hermia Watson (Slytherin), age 10 in the epilogue
Hermia is sarcastic and outgoing. She loves a good argument and gets in trouble quite a lot. She is a muggle-born Slytherin. Her best friend is Roxanne Weasley. She is also friends with Lily Potter and Hugo Weasley. She starts dating Lily in her seventh year. Hermia is a prefect.

Alyssa King (Slytherin), age 11 in the epilogue
Alyssa is popular and loves to party. She starts dating Roxanne Weasley after school.

Matt Avery (Slytherin), age 18 in the epilogue
Matt is loud and spontaneous. If there's something exciting going on, you can bet that Matt will be in the center of it. His best friend is Victoire Weasley and he is good friends with Teddy Lupin. Matt is transgender. He is a prefect.

James Potter and Violet Jacobson
Albus Potter and Helen Ogden
Albus Potter and Gemma Bones
Lily Potter and Hermia Watson
Rose Weasley and Gemma Bones
Hugo Weasley and Hermia Watson
Roxanne Weasley and Alyssa King
Lucy Weasley and Tristan Ogden
Victoire Weasley and Teddy Lupin
Louis Weasley and Lorcan Scamander
Lorcan Scamander and Dominique Weasley
Lysander Scamander and Molly Weasley
Scorpius Malfoy and Emily Ling

James Potter, Fred Weasley and Tristan Ogden
Albus Potter and Helen Ogden
Rose Weasley, Emily Ling and Scorpius Malfoy
Albus Potter, Helen Ogden, Gemma Bones, Rose Weasley, Emily Ling and Scorpius Malfoy
Lily Potter and Hugo Weasley
Roxanne Weasley and Hermia Watson
Lily Potter, Hugo Weasley, Roxanne Weasley and Hermia Watson
Molly Weasley, Dominique Weasley, Louis Weasley, Lorcan Scamander and Lysander Scamander
Victoire Weasley, Matt Avery and Teddy Lupin

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Astrology and Stuff

This post is just me rambling about random stuff. Please ignore me.

Okay, so, I've never understood astrology. I looked into it a few years ago and it just sounds really stupid. How can anyone possibly think that the stars have any effect on people's personalities? It doesn't make any sense. I was talking to this guy a few days ago who liked astrology. He thought I would too, since I am slightly interested in the Enneagram. But I think it's the stupidest thing ever. Even if you ignore the whole stars and planets thing, the type descrpitons are just really random. You might find a type that describes you most, but what's the point? I won't say anything about you that you don't already know. It has no base. It's random. You might think your sign describes you well. Obviously, this will be true for some people. It's impossible that nobody would identify with their astrological sign. But their are many people whose signs don't describe them at all. Also, I have noticed that people tend to see themselves in a type description if they want to, and they don't see themselves in a description if they don't want to. For instance, a person I know has always thought of herself as an Enneagram type 5. We read the description and she thought it sounded a lot like her. I didn't think it did. I thought she was a type 9. So I read her type 9, but she didn't think it described her very well. The thing is, I think she saw herself in the type 5 description because she wanted to be a type 5. Perhaps it's the same with astrology.

I'm a Taurus. A bull. Lovely. According to a random site on the internet, Taurus people are dependable, persistent, loyal, patient, generous, stubborn, lazy, possessive, materialistic and self-indulging. Here is a list of these traits with notes about how much they describe me:
  • Dependable: I think this describes me.
  • Persistent: Definitely. I don't give up.
  • Loyal: Ha ha, no.
  • Patent: Depends. Do I get ice cream?
  • Generous: Nooooo.
  • Stubborn: Yesssssss.
  • Lazy: Kind of.
  • Possessive: Not at all.
  • Materialistic: I am the exact opposite of this.
  • Self-indulging: Not really.
 That's 4/10 traits that fit me (counting the traits that kind of fit me as 1/2)
So, as you can see, some things describe me and some things don't. Let me take a description of a random astrology sign. How about Libra.
  • Analytical: Totally.
  • Observant: Kind of.
  • Helpful:  Definitely not.
  • Reliable: Mostly.
  • Precise: Depends.
  • Skeptical: A bit.
  • Fussy: Maybe.
  • Inflexible: Yes.
  • Cold: Sometimes.
  • Interfering: Not really?
5 and 1/2
So, Libra describes me a bit better than Taurus does. Here, I'll do another random type. Leo.
  • Confident: I act like it but not really.
  • Ambitious: Sometimes.
  • Generous: Nope.
  • Loyal: I'm kind of like a Slytherin in this way.
  • Encouraging: Not unless I have to be.
  • Pretentious: Not really.
  • Domineering: Well, okay, yes.
  • Melodramatic: Not unless I'm angry, which really isn't often.
  • Stubborn: Yes.
  • Vain: Not at all.
3 and 1/2
Again, some things describe me, some things don't. Taurus describes me no more than any of the others. This is why I don't think Astrology is accurate.

Someone said to me "Well, astrology a lot more complicated than that." Sure, whatever, all I know is that it's based on stars, which I think is stupid. And, also, some people seem to think that if you make something more complicated, that somehow makes it more accurate. I have this problem with Myers Briggs, too. In all the experience I have had (which, I admit, is not very much), I have found that complicated things are not better than simple things but it is in fact the other way around. I think Einstein said it well. "If you can't explain it simply, you do not understand it well enough." I apply this principle to everything, science, math, people. Especially people.

If you like astrology, good for you. I just hope you don't think it's the answer to the universe. I also hope you don't think Enneagram is the answer to the universe, or even Myers Briggs. Every personality typing system is inaccurate. That is the beauty of people, they are too complicated to truly explain. Some people would say "so don't try", but I like to imagine that I understand things, though I never forget that I really don't. I like creating order in the universe. It's fun to look at something random and messy (like a human mind), and pretend that it is something infinitely simple. But it still isn't the truth. And so when I tell you that I am an INTJ, what I mean is not that those four letters completely and accurately describe every bit of my personality, what I mean is that those letters are a way I have found of looking at myself. It is not reality, it is a pair of glasses. I am looking at myself through the lens of Myers Briggs.

So, technically I have just argued against my own point (I do that a lot). I have pretty much said that astrology is just as good as Myers Briggs. Both are equally valid ways of looking at people (ignoring the bit about stars, again). It's just that I personally do not like astrology.

And I think  have successfully made my way back to the beginning of this post and probably also successfully confused you. Like I said, ignore me.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

MBTI Character Edits

I made one of these for each type. You may notice that for some types I have included all male characters. I didn't want to do this, but some types just simply aren't often female in books. I tried to choose four characters for each type whose personalities I feel I know well enough to be pretty sure of their personality type.

River Song, Isabelle Lightwood, Thorin Oakenshiel, Finnick Odair

Jace Herondale, Katniss Everdeen, Tris Prior, Legolas

Mary Morstan, Gale Hawthorne, Spock, Alec Lightwood

Rose Hathaway, Ron Weasley, Christina, Amy Pond

John Watson, Cho Chang, Tobias Eaton, Sam Gamgee

Clara Oswald, Greg Lestrade, Lissa Dragomir, Sam

Nymphadora Tonks, Percy Jackson, Rose Tyler, Clary Fray

Martha Jones, Aragorn, Hermione Granger, Hazel Grace Lancaster

Augustus Waters, Frodo Baggins, Charlie, Luna Lovegood

Fred and George Weasley, Gimli, Peregrin Took, Patrick

The Doctor, Haymitch Abernathy, Simon Lewis, Neville Longbottom

Jack Harkness, Magnus Bane, Irene Adler, James Potter

Annabeth Chase, Gandalf, Sherlock Holmes, Severus Snape

Jackie Tyler, Horace Slughorn, Tyson, Effie Trinket

Isaac, Rubeus Hagrid, Grover Underwood, Primrose Everdeen

Donna noble, Peeta Mellark, Molly Weasley, Mrs. Hudson

Sunday, July 6, 2014

My Opinion: The Top 25 Awesomest Characters #7

I've written six "Top 25 Favourite Characters" lists before, as it changes often. Here are the links to my first six:

My Opinion: The Top 25 Awesomest Book Characters

My Opinion: The Top 25 Awesomest Book Characters #2

My Opinion: The Top 25 Awesomest Book Characters #3

My Opinion: The Top 25 Awesomest Characters #4

My Opinion: The Top 25 Awesomest Characters #5

My Opinion: The Top 25 Awesomest Characters #6

25. Magnus Bane from The Mortal Instruments
24. Suzy Turquoise Blue from Keys to the Kingdom
23. Jem Carstairs from The Infernal Devices
22. Ender Wiggin from Ender's Game
21. Frank Zhang from The Heroes of Olympus
20. Martha Jones from Doctor Who
19. Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit
18. Tris Prior from Divergent
17. Katsa from Graceling
16. Will Herondale from The Infernal Devices
15. Tessa Gray from The Infernal Devices
14. Hazel Levesque from The Heroes of Olympus
13. Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games
12. Amy Pond from Doctor Who
11. Rose Tyler from Doctor Who
10. Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter
9. John Watson from Sherlock BBC 
8. Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson
7. Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
6. Percy Jackson from Percy Jackson
5. Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings
4. Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter
3. Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter
2. Sherlock Holmes from BBC Sherlock 
1. The Doctor from Doctor Who

Friday, July 4, 2014


I just read a book called Graceling, and I really liked it. The characters are interesting and complex. The main character might make my favourite character list. Right now I'm reading the sort of sequel, Fire.
In Graceling, some people have eyes that are different colours. These people are called Gracelings, and each one has a special, unique talent that is sometimes magical and sometimes not. You can, for example have the grace of cooking or swimming but it could also be something like mind-reading. The main characters grace is killing. If I was a graceling, I would like my grace to be writing.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Sherlock Hogwarts Houses Edit

Since there aren't that many characters in Sherlock, I had to use some random side characters.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Percy Jackson Hogwarts Houses Edit

I put the names on in case the drawings aren't recognizable.