

Friday, November 14, 2014

Book Awards and Updates

Both the Goodreads and Epic Reads annual book awards are happening right now. I voted for The Young Elites in the Science Fiction and Fantasy category and The Iron Trial in the Children's category on Goodreads. I haven't read any contemporary fiction published this year so I can't vote in that category. What can I say? I've been a fantasy mood. For the past six months. I nominated several books in the Epic Reads Book Shimmy Awards including:
  • Clariel (which I haven't read yet, but I know it's going to be awesome)
  • Blue Lily, Lily Blue (Which I am currently reading)
  • The Young Elites
  • City of Heavenly Fire
  • Ruin and Rising
  • Cress
Anyway, I am probably going to do my own book awards for no reason other than that I like talking to myself.

In other news, I have been watching Elementary and How to Get Away with Murder which are both awesome. I want to watch Orphan Black and Teen Wolf.

I finished reading The Young Elites which I really enjoyed. It is my favourite book that I have read so far published in 2014, but Clariel might top it. I read Crown of Midnight (the second book in the Throne of Glass series) and Unravel me (the second book in the Shatter Me series). Both sequels were much better than the first books in the series'. I am currently reading Blue Lily, Lily Blue, the third book in the Raven Cycle.


  1. Hi.
    I came across your blog a few days ago and I found it interesting how similar our interests are. I was wondering wheter it is because of the reason that we are both INTJs of the same gender and almost the same age ( I turned 16 in august) or just the fact that these books/series are quite 'popular' now. So I wanted to come up with a way to answer my question but the best I could think about was to ask you what kind of music do you like (yea, I know two persons and three factors are not much of a survey but still, I don't know other INTJs). So: what kind of music do you like?
    ps. I hope my English is okay, as I only learn it in school.

    1. Hi.
      I don't know any INTJs either. It's one of the least common personality types, so that's not very surprising.
      I actually don't really listen to music. I do sometimes enjoy listening to it, but it isn't something I do on a regular basis. If I do listen to it, am not very picky with music. I tend to pay more attention to the lyrics than to the music itself. What kind of music do you like?
      Your English is great, by the way.

    2. Yeah, I know it's quite rare. Actually, it's kinda hard not to feel it every day, as no one seems to understand me. (And I don't mean it in a misunderstood-teenager way, it just feels like a had to explain myself all the time, even the simplest statements.)
      I go to school by bus with a bunch of noisy and disgusting people, and since I can't (yet) turn them off I listen to music a lot. My favourite bands are punks, like Anti-Flag, Pennywise or, most of all, Rise Against (by the way, I think its lead singer Tim is a roman demigod, I could raise you argument if you wanted). Their songs are mostly about social and environmental awareness, thinking and leading your own life instead of going full-zombie mode and complaining how unfair life is and stuff like that. Lyrics is more important to me too, but the melodies and rhytm by Rise Against are just so bloody powerful that at this point I can't help but love it as much as the lyrics. I also like Red Hot Chili Peppers (now their lyrics are so random you could think about them for hours whitout them making any sense) or during learning classical music (it helps me keeping my thoughts wrapped around the theme).
      My English is glad to hear that.

    3. Interesting. I would love to hear why you think Tim is a Roman demigod.
      I have also noticed that people have a hard time understanding me, or more accurately, the way I think. My father (who is an INFJ) is one of the only people who thinks in a similar way to me.
      What are your favourite and least favourite subjects in school? I personally like English, math, physics and psychology. I usually dislike social studies because it can be boring.
      What is your native language?

  2. Well, after reading PJO searching for demigods became a kind of hobby/obsession of mine, but Tim's case seems very obvious. I'll copy pieces of lyrics here:
    ,,Where we danced just to please the gods that only ask for more"
    ,,They all scream California and its toppling empire"
    ,,we are the long forgotten sons
    And daughters that don' belong to anyone"
    ,,We are the children you reject and disregard
    These aching cries come from the bottom of our hearts
    You can't disown us now, we are your own flesh and blood
    And we don't disappear just because your eyes are shut" And there are a lot more, for example the whole 'Survivor Guilt'.
    These quotes sound like taken from a rebellious and dissatisfied demigod like Luke, but honestly, the gods are such assholes sometimes it could be anyone. Of course, I am absoutely aware of the fact that it can be easliy my opinion and they can be as well about government and stuff, nevertheless, I don't want to give up on the idea of greek gods living among us (I still haven't received my letter from Hogwarts, it's enough disappointment for a lifetime) so I think I'll just continue believing this.
    My only close friend is an INFJ too, and though we have a lot more in common than with most people, there are some things on which we just can never agree.
    My favourites are Math, Chemistry, English, Spanish, German and History. I dislike Grammar, Music and Biology at most. We don't have Psychology or social studies, so I can't form an opinion on them. Why do you homeschool, by the way?
    It's Hungarian (and jokes based on the simlarities between the word 'hungry' and 'Hungary' are not funny. Just saying.). Talking about nations, are Canadian people really that kind in general or is it just another stereotype? It's been fascinating me for a while.

  3. I have two close friends, an INFP and an ISTJ. They are both quite different from me, but I think that they understand me better than most people.
    Social studies means history. I actually like history, but I don't like taking history in school.
    I homeschool for several reasons. The main reason is because I am partially blind, and that makes school more difficult for me. I also enjoy homeschooling because it allows me to work independently.
    The stereotype about Canadians being nice is actually true. I have not traveled to that many places outside of North America, but from what I have seen, people in Canada are friendlier than people in most other countries. I was actually born in the United States and I lived there for a while. The people there are generally not as nice as the people in Canada.

  4. Sorry it took so long to write back. Anyway, what do you think about Tim?
    Oh, I get it know. To tell the truth, it was the same with me but two years ago we got a really awesome history teacher who made me love his subject. It's vice versa with physics, which I do like but can't stand classes.
    If it's not too personal or something, what does partially blind really means in your case? And who teaches you, teachers or parents?
    Than it must be awesome, living in Canada. Here in Hungary there are mainly intolerant, apathetic assholes so I always liked the idea of living among nice people. And what about that thing with you and doughnuts?

    1. It does sound a lot as if Tim is a demigod.
      Partially blind means that I can see, but not as well as other people. My specific disability is very rare. I am very near sighted which means that I can only see things clearly that are really close to me. My eyes are very sensitive to light. On a very sunny day I am more blind than on a rainy day. I also can not see colour. The reason I stopped going to school was because I could not read what my teacher was writing on the board, even if I was sitting in the front row.
      I don't know what you mean about doughnuts.

    2. I know, right?
      I'm sorry to hear that, it must be hard for you.
      There is a rumour that Canadian people love doughnuts, I mean, a lot. Like it was as essential as breathing.

    3. That's funny. I never realized it, but pretty much everyone I know loves doughnuts. Maybe the stereotype is true. I personally hate doughnuts.

    4. Well, it might be because of the reason that you were born in the US. Maybe a persons first breath has to be sucked at Canada to get this obsession. Or not. Probably not.
