

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Doctor Who Series 8: Death in Heaven

SPOILERS!!!!! Read at your own risk.

I did really enjoy this episode, but I was honestly a little bit disappointed. It just wasn't as good as some other Doctor Who finales. Maybe I thought it would be like my two favourite episodes of all time (Utopia/ The Sound of Drums/ Last of the Time Lords and The End of Time) which both had the Master. It was quite as good as those two episodes.

But, seriously, Michelle Gomez is awesome. She's totally not the reason I didn't like this finale as much as some of the others. I may even like her more than John Simm. In Doctor Who extra Steven Moffat basically said that Missy isn't dead and we should expect her to come back which is really exciting and I can't wait.

The main reason I didn't like the episode as much as some others was that the timing seemed a bit off. This seemed to be a big problem in the whole series.

I am really sad that Danny is gone for good. I really loved him. This episode did make me cry, and not many have actually done that, so there's that.

As for Clara, I believe she is going to be in the Christmas special. That may, however, be her last episode, which would make me really sad since she is my favourite companion. Some people have been saying that they want the next companion to be male, but I don't. I always like shows better when there are main characters of multiple genders. I just hope the next companion is awesome.

The Doctor was great in this episode. I love how he answered "Am I a good man?" I wonder what his catchphrase is. At this time it seems like it could be "Shut up." One question: Has Doctor Who been hinting that there will be a female Doctor after Peter Capaldi regenerates? It really seems like it. We got a female Master, and Clara keeps impersonating the Doctor (I really love her impersonation in this episode, by the way). I would be both really excited and really worried if there was a female Doctor. I would be excited, because it could be really awesome. But I would also be worried. While I love Missy, her version of the Master flirts with the Doctor much more than John Simm's version did. I'm worried that a female Doctor would be done in such a way that people think of her as a female version of the Doctor instead of just one regeneration of the Doctor. I'm worried that if the Doctor became female she would start falling in love with men. I do believe that the Doctor is bisexual, but he has fallen for women in the past way more than for men. If he became a woman, I have this sinking suspicion that she would suddenly fall in love with a male companion.

Anyway, here is my updated list of favourite episodes in series 8:
  1. Dark Water/ Death in Heaven
  2. Listen
  3. Deep Breath
  4. Flatline
  5. Into the Dalek
  6. Kill the Moon 
  7. In the Forest of the Night
  8. Mummy on the Orient Express
  9. The Caretaker
  10. Robot of Sherwood
  11. Time Heist
The next episode is the Christmas special and it isn't that far away. I'm not the biggest fan of Christmas specials in general, though there are some large exceptions to this rule. I'm still excited, though. I hope that nothing bad happens to Clara. She deserves to be happy.

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