

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Blood of Olympus Predictions: Revised and Updated

The cover for Blood of Olympus came out and it's really cool. So I decided to make an updated version of my Blood of Olympus predictions. You can find my first predictions post here.

WARNING: This post includes spoilers for the Heroes of Olympus series. Obviously.

Who will die? Well, I don't think very many people will die. Despite what many people wrongly believe, Rick does not kill very many protagonists. Here is a list:
  1. Bianca
  2. Zoe
  3. Hazel (This doesn't count)
  4. Lee Fletcher
  5. Castor
  6. Pan
  7. Daedalus
  8. Beckendorf
  9. Michael Yew
  10. Silena
As you can see, not very may characters died in the series so far. I don't think it's very likely that many will die in Blood of Olympus.
Percy: Will not die. I am almost absolutely sure of this. This is children's fiction.

Annabeth: Won't die. See Percy.

Piper: Probably won't die. I don't really see any point in killing her. If a main character dies, there has to be a point to it. They have to die for a reason, and I can't see any good reason for Piper to die. Then again, Piper has played the smallest role in the quest of the seven. maybe she has a bigger part to play (and a reason to die) that we don't know of yet.

Jason: Might die, but I doubt it. There are a few reasons I can think of to kill him. I talked about one in my last Blood of Olympus predictions post.

Hazel: When I did my first predictions post, I didn't think hazel was likely to die. Now I'm not so sure. I still think she probably won't die, but she might.

Frank: Has a higher chance of dying than anyone above. As I talked about in my last predictions post, the stick of firewood is important to the story. If it doesn't play a role in Blood of Olympus I feel that would be anticlimactic. Frank might burn his firewood on purpose and sacrfice himself somehow to stop Gaea. then again, something similar happened in Son of Neptune, so I don't think that exact thing will happen again.

Leo: Has probably the highest chance of dying out of the seven. If one of them dies, I think it will be him. Why? See the prophecy section.

Nico: Might die, but not untill Percy knows about Nico's little crush. If any main character will die, it's more likely to be Nico than some of the others. But I don't really think he will.

Reyna: She might die. I can see reasons for it to happen. I said in the last post that I didn't think she would die, but I kind of changed my opinion. It's not like I think she will die, but I think it's possible.

Now for the prophecy.

Seven Half-blood shall answer the call
This line has obviously come true already. We know who the seven half-bloods are and I don't think there is any more meaning to be found in this line.

To storm or fire the world must fall
As far as I can tell, this line has not come true yet. Piper thought the line might refer to Leo and Jason. Maybe it does, but since Piper said it that means it is probably not true. Storm might refer to Percy, as many people have said. Maybe fire refers to Frank. Maybe storm and fire are the greek and roman camps. Honestly, I think none of those explanations is true. I think everyone is missing something. I have no idea what that something is, though.
Also, what does "the world must fall" mean? There are two obvious meanings. First is that the world is the actually world, meaning that the world would be destroyed. But I doubt it because this is a children's book. "The world" could also refer to Gaea. I think that's probably true. Or maybe "fall" means something else. I don't know.

An oath to keep with a final breath
I am convinced this line refers to Leo in some way. I might be wrong, but whatever. I kind of like the idea of Leo dying. No, don't kill me, I just think it might make a good ending.
Some people think this line refers to something other than death. But seriously, what else could it mean? Someone in the comments mentioned immortality. (more on that below) and I remember someone somewhere thought it might mean marriage. You know, the marriage oath, or whatever. But Rick Riordan said that Percy and Annabeth aren't getting married because they are sixteen. Plus, that's way too optimistic.

And foes bear arms to the doors of death
This line has supposedly come true already.

I got more comments on my Blood of Olympus post than all my other posts combined. I have decided to respond to them here:

I think that for the whole STORM OR FIRE bit might refer to Percy and frank. It's already mentioned that frank might die for Percy (S.O.N) because Percy cant make a sacrifice, so I think that Percy is doing to attempt to defeat Gaea (storm), but Frank uses his life-stick (fire) to actually defeat Gaea. 
Maybe. I honestly don't think it's very likely that storm refers to Percy.  It seems like an odd way to put his power. If storm meant Percy, why not say "to sea or fire the world must fall" or something like that. I know the prophecies are deliberately confusing, but I still think it doesn't make much sense. I also think that storm or fire might not necessarily refer to people.

A lot of people are over looking key things. The Southern Wind god shifted between two forms, the fiery Greek, and the stormy Roman, and told Jason he would have to decide. It was a pretty big hint towards Storm and Fire being the two camps.
What are Greeks famous for? Greek Fire. What did the Legion Eagle do? Fire lightning bolts. Lots of people have made Oaths, not just Leo, so don't lock that line down yet. It could refer to Reyna's duties are Praetor and her oath to serve the Roman Empire. It might talk about Nico's promise to take the Parthenos and stop the battle. Or it could be the obvious, and talk about Leo's promise to Calypso.
Hell, if Storm or Fire are referring to people, Storm could be Jason and Percy together and Fire could mean Frank and Leo together. Both characters on either side have connections to that element, so it could happen.
All in all, I get this really bad feeling that Nico is going to die, and he's gonna send word from the Underworld that he wants Jason to tell everyone his mancrush, or perform some ceremony to partially summon him so he can tell them face-to-ethereal-face. It would be a shame, because he's my baby, but it could happen. Just like anything.
Or Frank and Hazel will die together, since she's living on borrowed time and he's supposed to have a short lifespan anyway? For that matter, she might promise him that she'll watch over his lifestick, despite being in a fireprrof bag. Then again, no one said that bag was indestructable. Anyone could snatch it out of his hands and tear it to shreds and get to the stick.

Storm or fire might refer to the two camps but that just seems to obvious. It might mean "Greek and Roman" but maybe it doesn't refer to the camps. Maybe it refers to the different forms of the gods, like with the Southern Wind god.
I doubt the oath line refers to Reyna. She isn't one of the seven. Same with Nico. I think that line probably refers to one of the seven demigods, they are the ones important in the prophecy, right?
I don't think Nico will die before telling Percy about his crush. I feel like he has to tell him face to face. You might be right about the ghost thing, though.
I don't think both Hazel and Frank will die. It's a children's book.

The part of the prophecy "an oath to keep with a final breath" most likely refers to Leo. He has so far made the most notable promise yet. And if you think about it, the prophecy happens in order. The seven demigods were gathered, Piper raises the question in the House of Hades of about the storm or fire part (how only one can survive), Leo promises Calypso that he will return by swearing on the River Styx, and a Titan and a Giant help Percy and Annabeth escape from Tartarus. All of that cannot be a coincidence. And if you think about it, all the earlier prophecies in the Percy Jackson and Olympian Series happened in order. Why would Rick Riordan break that trend now? Having said that, I think people are taking the prophecy wayyyyy to literally especially the about the oath. What will happen is Leo will save the world by his fire powers making the storm or fire part of the prophecy true, and Jason will die while helping (sorry Piper). And he will go back to Calypso. The Blood of Olympus is going to be one of the last Percy Jackson books for a while that tell about his life. Rick Riordan will obviously have to satisfy the readers by supplying enough information on all of the Seven's lives to keep us happy for a little at least. So, anyway, Leo will go to Calypso but he won't due. On Calypso's Island he will become immortal and live happily ever after with her. It will be his final breath of mortality that he will keep his promise with. He won't have a final breath before death, he will have a final breath of mortality before going into immortality. He won't die, he will just stop being mortal.  
I think you're mostly right about the prophecy happening in order. Except, I wouldn't consider Piper talking about storm or fire fulfilling that part of the prophecy. That line and the oath line haven't come true yet. That's one of the reasons that I think the last line of the prophecy might not be finished.
I think you're being way to optimistic about the oath to keep with a final breath. Leo becoming immortal wouldn't be important to the plot. It would be part of the conclusion of the story, not the climax. The prophecy never refers to things like that. Unless Leo becoming immortal somehow helps to defeat Gaea, I don't think your idea has much chance of being true.

i agree that leo is the one who will die because not only of his oath but because of his past especially cause gaea visited him directly but not to other demigods, my question is why would gaea want to break leo's spirit why not the other seven and she also said that the fates wouldn't allow her to kill leo,YET! And I also think he will die because of his talk with nemisis. and in HOH it said that either leo or jason could die while defeating gaea or the earth. I think this will happen, I think that leo will die while defeating gaea, cuz to me he is the one that deserves to be a hero in the end the most.
I too like the idea of Leo dying to save the world. I'm not sure why Gaea visited Leo directly. It's very interesting. It might mean the Leo is the most important one of the seven.

Hmm, Rick has confirmed that not all of the seven will return home. The last line might not mean death, the troll does like to trick us after all!
You know, Rick never confirmed that one of the seven will die. That was a rumor someone started an now everyone believes it.  He would never say a spoiler like that before the book came out. If you don't believe me, look at his twitter page.

I agree with most of this but since when has rick told us what the prophecy will be about? Seriously if you ask me anything that rick has the characters say about the prophecy is void. But if this someone is storm someone is fire why not Percy as storm.Maybe this is just me being too optimistic but I think there is a reason Rick had Hazel say that they needed Percy and Annabeth so much and that he sent them to tarturus to face what only one demigod has ever survived( I would say that he had Nico say Percy was the most powerful as a reason too but that can be explained away because Nico is gay for Percy) and that reason is foreshadowing that Percy is more powerful then Jason that Jason will try to be storm but can't and so Percy comes in with his hurricane and does what Jason can't. I hope this happens but I doubt it nkt at all because of some peoples theory that Jason is the main character in this series or that Rick is making Jason better because he's doing the opposite to me I doubt it beacause like I said earlier Rick would never actually tell us what a line of the prophecy means thia far before it. The theory with storm and fire representing greek and roman I like except I feal like it's too obvious so my favorite is Frank's wood. I can't agree more that rick would not just take away his biggest fatal flaw.
Your comment actually changed several of my opinions, most importantly my opinion that Piper was probably right about storm or fire meaning Leo and Jason. I think you are right to believe that whatever the characters think about the prophecy is probably wrong.

Here are some links to some other theories I found around the internet by searching "Blood of Olympus predictions" on Google and a few of my own notes:
  1. This person basically says that two character will die because Gaea needs the blood of two characters to rise. I disagree, mostly because I don't think Rick Riordan would kill two main characters in a children's book. But it's a possibility. I can understand why this person wants Gaea to rise. It would make a more exciting ending. But maybe she doesn't actually need to rise for the ending to be interesting.
  2. I don't have much to say about this person's theory. They have concerns for Nico and Leo, especially Nico. I don't think he will die, but he might.
  3. This person has a theory saying that Leo will set Calypso free. I think it's possible, but there was no mention of the oath to keep with a final breath. I like the prediction about Jason. It seems possible.

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