

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Why Myers Briggs is Not Really Accurate

Hello. Sorry for the long delay in posting. Not that there is actually anyone reading this blog. Anyway, I am going to talk about Myers Briggs. I love Myers Briggs. It is simple and easy to understand and it helps me understand people. But it's actually kind of stupid. The reason I say this is because, like every other kind of personality typing system, it's a way of looking at people, and not a description of the people themselves. The way I see it, your type does not define you in any way, it simply predicts what you might do and how you might behave, and possibly what you feel and think about things. In a way, I think it works better for fictional characters than it does for real people. Real people are so infinitely complicated that it is impossible to describe someone using four letters.

Also, functions. I honestly think functions are stupid. That doesn't mean I don't use them. I do. But technically, all the functions do is make a simple thing complicated. I don't think they are accurate at all, and even if they were, they're much too difficult to determine. For example, take my type, INTJ. My functions are (in order)

Introverted Intuition
Extroverted Thinking
Introverted Feeling
Extroverted Sensing

So, these functions are supposed to describe me, right? Well, they kind of do. Introverted intuition fits me pretty well. So does extroverted thinking. But then again, introverted thinking actually describes me too. Almost as much as extroverted thinking does. Also, I think introverted sensing describes me much better than extroverted sensing.

I don't think things should be more complicated than they have to be. That's all I'm saying. You can only truly understand something if you can explain it to someone who knows nothing about it. Sorry, is that a quote from Einstein or something? Anyway, for that reason, it is impossible to understand Myers Briggs. It's just a way of looking at things. Just a pair of glasses. Glasses can help you see, but they only show you the world in a certain way. People look at the world in all kinds of ways. That's what makes us all different. I simply prefer to look at people through the lens of Myers Briggs because it makes sense to me. It helps explain things that in reality don't have an explanation.

Every single thing a human thinks is influenced by the way they look at the world. Even science. Science is supposed to be about figuring out what stuff is truly like instead of looking at it through a lens, but that's really impossible since we humans are so stupid and so tiny. It's one of the things that annoys me most about the universe. No matter how hard I try not to be influenced and to see the world the way it actually is, I can't. Sometimes I think that's because the world isn't actually a certain way and that it's just our perceptions that matter.  And that's why I like Myers Briggs. It's one of my favourite lenses.

Okay, I did not expect this post to go in that direction. I am very sorry for taking up your time. No seriously. I'm just a 15 year old girl who is as stupid as anyone else. Please ignore me.