

Thursday, September 5, 2013

MBTI and Me

I am an INTJ in Myers Briggs. I score about 90% on Introversion, 60% on Intuition, 40% on Thinking and 60% on judging. The INTJ description fits me pretty well. I am quite logical, I do kind of hate being around most people, and I like to argue. But I didn't always fit the INTJ description.

Four or five years ago, when I was ten, I took the Myers Briggs test for the first time.Yes, I do know that when you're a kid, your personality result isn't necessarily accurate, but still, isn't it weird that the answer I got the very first time I took the test was ESFP? I got the exact opposite result of what I actually am. Okay, it's true that the book I took the test in didn't have very accurate questions, but still, my result was the exact opposite of what I am! I took the test a few years later (maybe when I was twelve) and I got INFP as my result. I was very happy with this because the description of INFP said that they made good writers and I have wanted to be a writer since I was eight. Then, about six months ago, I took the Myers Briggs test for a third time (this time with one of those online tests, not that inaccurate test from the book) and I got INTJ. This really surprised me at the time. I had never thought of myself as much of an introvert and certainly not as a thinker, but after a while (and after taking about 200 billion different online tests and getting the same result) I realized that it was true. I am an INTJ.

Many people would be surprised to hear that I am an introvert.I have never been very shy, and I don't tend to care very much at all about what other people think of me. I just act like myself and if someone has a problem with me, I really don't care. I have been described as "Outgoing" by a fair number of people, and I don't think anyone would describe me as sensitive.

So why am I an introvert then? Well, her are the three main reasons:

1. I spend about 90% of my free time reading in my room, alone. This is not generally an extrovert's favourite activity.
2. I have very few friends. There have been times in my life when I have had no friends at all.
3. I don't actually like people. I don't like being around other people in general. They're usually annoying and I'm usually awkward and I honestly would much rather be reading than socializing.

The one other type that I've thought I might possibly be is INFJ. Sometimes I feel like the description of INTJs as "unsympathetic"or "Afraid to show emotions" really doesn't fit me. I do show my emotions. Just maybe not as much as some other people. Also, I'm still pretty much a kid. I like to think of myself as mature, but I'm still only fourteen.I could be totally wrong about my personality.
Anyway, that was me rambling on about Myers Briggs again. It's funny how I can talk for ever about a subject that interests me, but as soon as you mention something boring (like, lets say, fashion) I'll completely tune you out and think about something entirely different. I suppose that's an INTJ thing.

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